The Nazis Connection to Reptilians, ETs, and Hollow Earth

Tuesday, November 28th, 2017 at 9 pm ET, Kevin Cook of The Kevin Cook Show along with along with guest-host Heidi Hollis invites author Dina Rae to share how Hitler’s Nazis fall in the center of the Reptilian, ETs, and Hollow Earth phenomenon.


Dina Rae | The Nazis Connection to Reptilians, ETs, and Hollow Earth

Dina Rae has written seven novels. She lives with her husband, two daughters, and two dogs outside of Dallas. She is a Christian, avid tennis player, movie buff, teacher, and self-proclaimed expert on several conspiracy theories. She has been interviewed numerous times on blogs, newspapers, and syndicated radio programs. She enjoys reading about religion, UFOs, New World Order, government conspiracies, political intrigue, and other cultures. The Sequel, Volume 2 of The Best Seller series, is now available and released by Solstice Publishing. –

The Sequel : Volume 2

The Sequel : Volume 2 by Dina Rae book cover

Maya Smock gets inside of a time capsule and travels back to 1944 Germany. A Nazi doctor forces her to meet his superiors, proving to them all that his invention works. Hitler studies Maya like a laboratory rat at his Eagle’s Nest and then introduces her to the Reptilians. She plummets deep into the hollow earth. Will she ever get home? Only Maya’s next novel can show her friends how to get her back.

As Operation Chrome expands, General Andreas steals more babies. He believes that he is saving them from an extraterrestrial agenda connected with World War II. The hybrid babies have grown.

They are here. They will take what is theirs. – Get the Book!

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The post Dina Rae appeared first on Inception Radio Network | UFO & Paranormal Talk Radio.