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David Hamilton Nichols

Personal and Global Transformation in Times of Chaos

Monday, November 6th, 2017 at 6 pm ET, Keith Anthony Blanchard of Center of Light Radio invites David Hamilton Nichols to help us learn how to fulfill our destiny by obtaining the wisdom and the energy that is our birthright.

You are called to change lives in this period of change. In these accelerating best and worst of times, create personal and global transformation. There has never been such great promise in such peril. Integrate Consciousness through information and energy, facilitating positive progress. Healing on all levels, walk the path of power through peace.


David Hamilton Nichols is a transformational speaker, author, empowering intuitive and master healer. He transmits the Universe’s most powerful information and energy to widespread events, media and individuals. He presents life-changing workshops. Empowering his clients and audiences, he facilitates personal and world transformation and healing.

David has spoken at the Conscious Life Expo and the New Living Expo — the two biggest spiritual expos on the West Coast. David also offers hospital energy workshops and has presented at the death and dying symposium “All Day Immersion into Death.”

David is a popular media guest. In addition to his many other regular media appearances, he has been a featured guest on “Transformations with Tara Sutphen.”

David teaches that information and energy together facilitate transformation on both the personal and global levels. Thus he joins his intuitive, psychic, mediumistic gifts and his energy-work capabilities in individual in-person and Skype video sessions. He uniquely and powerfully transmits information and energy from an altered state of higher consciousness and brings the Light to groups so they can effect mass change. –

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The post David Hamilton Nichols appeared first on Inception Radio Network | UFO & Paranormal Talk Radio.

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