America’s Greatest Geopolitical Threats

Tuesday, November 14th, 2017 at 9 pm ET, Kevin Cook of The Kevin Cook Show along with along with guest-host Heidi Hollis invites author Dan Perkins to provide perspective on the current geopolitical climate. Later in the show, activist Pamela Geller joins Kevin to share her thoughts about why extreme religious ideology threatens the security of our nation.


Dan Perkins | America's Greatest Geopolitical Threats

Dan Perkins is a prolific author with a broad spectrum of writing experience and abilities. In addition, he and his wife Gerri have established a nonprofit foundation ( for veterans and active military personnel with PTSD and other serious disabilities.

As a financial consultant for over 40 years, Dan has written and now produces video newsletters for his clients. His entertaining, yet serious trilogy on radical Islamic nuclear terrorism against the United States called the Brotherhood of the Red Nile is a must read for all Americans. His sequel to the trilogy, Ted Baker in Search of Terrorist Gold, is soon to be published. His next novel explores historical fiction with a different perspective on the Abraham Lincoln assassination.

A new children’s book, Timmy and the Little Red Wagon, will soon follow. Mr. Perkins also writes current events commentary for,,, and, among others. He also hosts a nationally syndicated radio talk show.

Dan and his wife Gerri live in Southwest Florida and are the proud parents of four wonderful sons and the grandparents of four delightful grandchildren. More information about Mr. Perkins and his foundation can be found at


Pamela Geller | America's Greatest Geopolitical Threats

Pamela Geller is the founder, editor and publisher of The Geller Report and President of the American Freedom Defense Initiative (AFDI) and Stop Islamization of America (SIOA). She is the author of Fatwa: Hunted in America (foreword by Geert Wilders) (Dangerous Books), The Post-American Presidency: The Obama Administration’s War on America (foreword by Ambassador John Bolton) (Simon & Schuster) and Stop the Islamization of America: A Practical Guide to the Resistance (WND Books). She is also a regular columnist for numerous publications.

Geller’s activism on behalf of human rights has won international notice. She is a foremost defender of the freedom of speech against attempts to force the West to accept Sharia blasphemy laws, and against Sharia self-censorship by Western media outlets.

Her First Amendment lawsuits filed nationwide have rolled back attempts to limit Americans’ free speech rights and limit speech to only one political perspective, and exposed attempts to make an end-run around the First Amendment by illegitimately restricting access to public fora. Her free speech event in Garland, Texas led to the capture or killing of several murderous jihadists, smoking out terror cells, leading to an increase in the threat level to BRAVO and to the consequent arrests of jihadists in several states.

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