Saturday, November 4th, 2017 at 11 pm ET, Join Paranormal Now’s host Alan B. Smith passes the baton to Dr. Aaron (Maverick) Judkins to guest-host this episode of Paranormal Now!

Join Maverick in this fascinating discussion with author, Brandon Masullo, that makes real the paranormal experiences so many have reported; and so many of you have experienced! What causes ghostly experiences? Are ghosts real? Why do certain people report numerous ghostly encounters and others none?

For centuries these questions have intrigued, puzzled, and bedeviled science, skeptics, and even believers. Based on cutting-edge research and new theories, The Ghost Studies provides insight into some of life’s greatest mysteries.


Brandon Massullo | Haunted Theories & Paranormal Experiences

Brandon Massullo is a clinical therapist and parapsychologist residing in Medina, Ohio. Fascinated by paranormal phenomena for more than 20 years, Massullo has been a participant in and featured speaker at numerous paranormal forums and events.

He studied psychology and parapsychology at the University of Edinburgh in Scotland. His research has been cited in numerous parapsychological journals, articles, and mainstream books.

To learn more, please visit hauntedtheories.com

The Ghost Studies: New Perspectives on the Origins of Paranormal Experiences

Brandon Massullo | Haunted Theories & Paranormal Experiences

You’ve just laid down for the night when suddenly doors slam and the curtains shift. The lights begin to flicker and a white mist forms in front of you. You shut your eyes and keep muttering, “ghosts aren’t real.” But then you open your eyes and realize that “harmless” mist has shifted into the form of a man, staring intensely at you, as he floats above your bed.

What causes ghostly experiences?

Are ghosts real?

Why do certain people report numerous ghostly encounters and others none?

For centuries these questions have intrigued, puzzled, and bedeviled science, skeptics, and even believers. Based on cutting-edge research and new theories, The Ghost Studies provides insight into some of life’s greatest mysteries.

This fascinating book is far more than a compilation of ghost stories. The Ghost Studies provides scientific explanations for paranormal occurrences, including:

New and exciting scientific theories that explain apparitions, hauntings, and communications from the dead.
The latest research on the role of energy and electricity in hauntings.

The role that emotions, bioenergetics, and the environment play in supernatural phenomena.
New research into why some individuals are more prone to ghostly encounters. – Get the Book!

Alan’s Paranormal Cabin

Why Do I Like To Get Creeped Out?!

Alan's Paranormal Cabin

Bloody Mary, Bloody Mary, Bloody Mary…I did repeat over and over again into a mirror as a child. Taunting forth horror! Where did I get the idea to attempt to invoke an evil or tormented spirit? Well, probably from another kid. And that kid from another. Why did we love, and still love, to get a scare or to hear a good campfire story? Because, I think, it’s not just the paranormal that is fascinating, it is the curious threat of the unexplainable. The unexplainable wrapped in horror that triggers something important within us.

The fact that we are attracted to tales which thrive upon an uncertain edge of darkness, tells me that there is indeed something built into our DNA which draws our attention to the spooky world of ghouls and ghosts, cryptids and beasts. Perhaps it is our instinctual need to practice facing fearful situations – like we do in our dreams. Maybe somehow we learn something about ourselves.

But is learning why we get a thrill from being scared – so much so that we wish to experience it again? I do think that, like kittens faux fighting and playing in order to prepare themselves for a real threat, we are practicing for real danger. Even still, I think there is more to this. When I am scared, it’s a distraction from my conscious real-life problems. So in a sense, like any form of escapism, I am relieved to escape my own issues. But even deeper than that, we are catapulted into a state of mind where, in some sense, we feel freer and more liberated. Almost elevated in a metaphysical way. Because when adrenaline rushes and the sense of survival first overtakes us, there are no judgments of the mind. No prejudices. The lines that our programmed minds have made drawn for us (without our conscious consent) will disappear. Surviving is clearly the rush here, and make no mistake, for even those that are racist – when it comes to your life, you’ll quickly admit that anyone one of any color could actually be smarter than you, more civilized than you, stronger and more successful than you. Because misguided prejudice can barely exist – if at all – when taking any helping hand could save your life. Lines are blurred.

Combine fearful goosebumps with the broad philosophical contemplations of the paranormal and you can actually feel more of that oneness which is life. Is it as profound or as tangible as having what some would call a religious experience or a psychedelic experience? Not likely. Yet, we can still feel that during those fleeting rushes of story-time moments, all of us are equally ignorant and all equally valuable. Based on my own experiences this gives me comfort. It sounds ironic, but that’s why it’s all so fascinating! That’s why I love Halloween’s blood pulsing ethos which invites us to explore.

I was unable to chat with Brandon Massullo for this episode, but I certainly can’t wait to hear the full interview from start to finish with our fantastic guest host Dr. Aaron “Maverick” Judkins!

Goosebumps, philosophy and data…now that’s a great evening spent!

To find out more about Paranormal Now, please like us on Facebook and look for intriguing show related posts! https://m.facebook.com/ParanormalNowRadio/ – Alan B. Smith

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The post Brandon Massullo appeared first on Inception Radio Network | UFO & Paranormal Talk Radio.