Life Changing Alien Secrets We have Been Deprived Of

Monday, November 27th, 2017 at 6 pm ET, Keith Anthony Blanchard of Center of Light Radio invites Aage Nost to share the secret of all the Alien things we are not supposed to know about and how it will change our lives.

AAGE NOSTAage Nost | Life Changing Alien Secrets We have Been Deprived Of

Aage Nost was born on a farm in Norway, in Northern Europe. He had to take over much of the work and management of the farm at an early age as a teen-ager. While still a teenager, he learned Hypnosis from a magician in Europe.
By the age of 25 he had learned several languages, studied science including Metaphysics and different forms and theories of Spirituality.Between then and now, he has done and been involved in many projects.

Aage taught the “Subliminal Dynamics Mind Development” course, (now called “Subliminal Dynamics Mind Management”), which teaches you to assimilate information from a book at the rate of 50,000 or more words per minute or more, Perfected memory, Creative visualization for healing and manifestation, Creative goal setting, and other things not taught in the regular school system.

He co-wrote a book with author, Patricia Ress of Omaha, Nebraska, titled “Alien Encounters in America’s Midwest”. It featured hidden Government documents proving the Government cover-up of the UFO issue, NASA prints of building and structures on our Moon, and personal testimonies from people who have had contacts with Extra Terrestrials. –

Spiritual Science, Higher Conscious Thinking, and How to Access The Universal Consciousness: Learn How To Expand The Power Of The Mind At Every Level of Existence

Spiritual Science, Higher Conscious Thinking, and How to Access The Universal Consciousness: Learn How To Expand The Power Of The Mind At Every Level of Existence by Aage Nost

CONCEPTS WRITTEN ABOUT IN THIS BOOK How the universe downloaded all its knowledge into my mind – How to design your life experience the way you want it to be, before you have to live it – until now, mostly undiscovered Universal Success Principles – Creation – What was created at the “Big Bang” – Who was “Jesus”, and what did he look like, according to the obscure Roman writings, and other non-biblical records? – Who / what is “God”? – – – Who really created the first Bible? – Who / what are you? – Who created you? – What is the Physical world made of? – What is Universal Consciousness? – How to use the right techniques to access the Universal Consciousness to manifest good things in your life – “Pearls of wisdom” and Success principles you can only learn by talking to Billionaires – How the Universal Consciousness speaks to you – What is the Universal Mind? – Get the Book!

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