Here is the UFO Headline News for The Weekend of Saturday October 21st and Sunday October 22nd, 2017

UFO Headline News | Daily UFO News Podcast - Powered by Inception Radio Network

Headline #1: Young Moon Returns to Evening Sky

Synopsis: In the days following new moon, a young moon – a waxing crescent – always appears in the west shortly after sunset. The moon has returned to the evening sky now, and you’re likely to see this little moon this weekend, or in the coming week. Some people think a moon visible in the west after sunset is a rising moon. But it’s not; it’s a setting moon. All objects in our sky rise in the east and set in the west, due to Earth’s spin under the sky. When you see a waxing crescent, you know the Earth, moon and sun are located nearly on a line in space. If they were more precisely on a line, as they are at new moon, we wouldn’t see the moon. The moon would travel across the sky during the day, lost in the sun’s glare.

Headline #2: Archaeologist Spots Hundreds of Mysterious, Ancient Stone ‘Gates’ On Google Earth

Synopsis: Archaeologists have spotted hundreds of mysterious, seemingly ancient man-made structures in the sands of Saudi Arabia on Google Earth. The archaeologists came across the structures in in a region of the country called Harrat Khaybar. David Kennedy of the University of Western Australia wrote that the gates ‘appear to be the oldest man-made structures in the landscape. He wrote: ‘Gates are found almost exclusively in bleak, inhospitable lava fields with scant water or vegetation, places seemingly amongst the most unwelcoming to our species.’

Headline #3: When You Die, You Know You’re Dead–Because Your Brain Still ‘Works’

Synopsis: When you die you know you’re dead because the brain keeps functioning and you know what’s happening around you, chilling new research suggests. Medical experts have long debated what happens when a person dies, with anecdotal evidence of bright lights or sensations–and films such as “Flatliners”– exploring the unknown. But a new study suggests a person’s consciousness keeps working after their heart stops beating and their body movements fail.

Headline #4: Large, Winged Being Perched on Radio Tower in Central Indiana/Lon Strickler

Synopsis: As I was driving in a highly populated suburban area outside of Indianapolis, I came to a stoplight at a busy intersection. That was when I saw something large, black and winged perched atop a nearby radio tower. I just saw it in my peripheral vision, the tower being about a 1/4 mile or less from the intersection.

Headline #5: White Birdlike Humanoid in Rural South Dakota

Synopsis: This happened in 2014, to a friend and I in rural South Dakota. It was a clear night, kinda boring. We had been visiting friends here and there all evening…just going around visiting. Usually we’d be sipping a beer by the time evening came–but for whatever reason that day–we decided not to…we were just cruising and listening to music. It started getting late and everywhere we went people were drinking. Sad–but just another night here in South Dakota. So after wasting gas all night, we decided to go check out some other people we knew. Then I look up and see what looks like a dog or some kind of animal alongside the road by one of the empty drives. It looked like it was eating, kinda hunched ove,r you know?….but no bigger than a dog. Then the closer we get to it–this thing turns it’s head back towards us and we can see it in the headlights. But while it’s turning around it’s also starting to stand up….like a person. But not a person. 

Headline #6: Multiple Bigfoot Sightings in California Go Viral

Synopsis: The legendary Bigfoot and other creatures like it have reportedly been spotted around Avocado Lake, near Fresno, in  California according to a paranormal investigator. Jeffrey Gonzalez, a paranormal expert, said he heard about the sighting from a local farmer who said he saw the creature and five others running on his ranch near Avocado Lake. “One of them, which was extremely tall, had a pig over its shoulder,” Gonzalez said in comments obtained by Fox 26, a Fox News affiliate. “And the five scattered and the one with the pig was running so fast it didn’t see an irrigation pipe and it tripped, with the pig flying over.”

Headline #7: UFO Believer Who Had E.T. Contact As A Child Runs For Congress in Miami

Synopsis: Bettina Rodriguez Aguilera says she’s been aboard a spaceship. But unlike Florida’s U.S. senator, who once flew aboard the Space Shuttle, this spaceship was crewed by aliens. As in extraterrestrials. Three blond, big-bodied beings–two females, one male–visited her when she was 7 years old and have communicated telepathically with her several times in her life, she says. Rodriguez Aguilera, 59, a Republican who is running to replace retiring Miami Republican Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, recounted her experience with the ETs during a 2009 television interview. She described “going up” inside the spaceship — though whether it went into space or just hovered around town was left unclear “I went in. There were some round seats that were there, and some quartz rocks that controlled the ship — not like airplanes,” Rodriguez Aguilera said. Among the things she said she found out from the aliens: There are 30,000 skulls — “different from humans” — in a cave in the Mediterranean island of MaltaThe world’s “energy center” is in Africa–The Coral Castle, a limestone tourist attraction South Miami-Dade, is actually an ancient Egyptian pyramid–and “God is a universal energy.”

Headline #8: Giant Robot Battles Are Here And they Are Hilariously Bad

Synopsis: For two years now, the fighting robot league known as MegaBots has been raising money and hype in support of its vision of giant mechas from the United States and Japan battling each other. The first fights are here, and they are ludicrously disappointing. The first ever MegaBots fight lasts under 30 seconds, with a very easy knockout by the Japanese robot Kuratas. While no doubt a lot of work went into the building of these robots, watching one knock the other one over very easily, in less than a minute, makes the entire thing seem comical. The continually awestruck announcers, operating on hype levels known only to wrestling commentators, do their best to dredge something out of nothing.

Headline #9: UFO Sighting in Oxford, Mississippi

Synopsis: I was sitting outside of my house enjoying the evening around 8:30 p.m. when I noticed something quickly flashing out of the side of my eye and I thought it was a planet; I thought it was strange that it was flashing red so quickly, especially on a clear night without any clouds in the area; the colors were flashing in a circle…I grabbed some binoculars to see it up close and there were red, green, white, and yellow lights–flashing very quickly back and forth in what seemed to be a random sequence.


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