Here is the UFO Headline News for the Weekend of Saturday October 14th/Sunday October 15th, 2017

UFO Headline News | Daily UFO News Podcast - Powered by Inception Radio Network

Headline #1: Food Network’s Guy Fieri Cooks BBQ For Evacuees of California Wildfires

Synopsis: Food Network star Guy Fieri teamed up with the Salvation Army on Thursday and went to wildfire-ravaged Santa Rosa, Calif., to cook for thousands of people who evacuated their homes.   Fieri and his workers assembled a mobile kitchen at the Santa Rosa Veterans Memorial Building’s parking lot to set up camp, KTVU reported. Fieri said he and his team would be cooking lunch and dinner for evacuees until Saturday.

Headline #2: Moon Occults Regulus on October 15th!

Synopsis: On the evening of October 14th, 2017 you won’t see the moon. That’s because the moon will be a waning crescent visible from across Earth only in the wee morning hours. No matter where you are, if you’re up early on the mornings of October 14-16, you’ll see the waning crescent moon near Regulus, the brightest star in the constellation Leo the Lion. Or … you won’t see Regulus. That’s because, on October 15, the moon will occult this bright star, or hide it from view.

Headline #3: Tom DeLonge Challenging Boundaries of What Is Possible/Cheryl Costa

Synopsis: For decades the UFO community and beyond has wanted to see a good-faith and honest effort to research everything to do with Unidentified Flying Objects. We’ve all wanted to see the topic talked about in a factual way with the specter of mockery and the societal boundaries removed. We’ve all wanted the scientific community to get past the shadow of ridicule, receive funding and get to the theoretical bottom of the unknown physics that UFOs represented — no matter how fantastic. In 1940, if you were an American high technology student in some of the nation’s best engineering schools and you mentioned to your professor that you were interested in rockets, you were frequently made fun of and dismissed as a crackpot. A MIT professor of the era said, “I don’t understand how a serious scientist or engineer can play around with rockets.”

Headline #4: No, Yellowstone’s Supervolcano Isn’t Going to Wipe Out Life On Earth Anytime Soon

Synopsis: If you’re worried a supervolcano lying beneath Yellowstone National Park could erupt and plunge the planet into a volcanic winter, you shouldn’t be. While a future eruption — a prospect widely reported this week after new research — is possible, geologists say it’s incredibly unlikely. The odds that Yellowstone’s sleeping supervolcano will erupt within a century and cause massive devastation…

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