Here is the UFO Headline News for Tuesday October 17th, 2017

UFO Headline News | Daily UFO News Podcast - Powered by Inception Radio Network

Headline #1: Carnegie Mellon Student Charters Planes, Flies Supplies Into Ravaged Puerto Rico

Synopsis: Pittsburgh–A Carnegie Mellon student disturbed by stories from her native Puerto Rico following Hurricane Maria decided to do something about it.Rosana Guernica, 22, a junior majoring in decision sciences, heard stories about people getting off the island by chartering a private plane, so she got the idea of raising money for a plane to fly in medical supplies and evacuate sick people.  Her grandmother told her it was a crazy idea, but that’s exactly what Guernica has done – twice. Carnegie Mellon said in a Twitter post Saturday that Guernica is on her second trip to Puerto Rico this weekend with a team of volunteers from Carnegie Mellon. They are taking supplies and hope to evacuate people.

Headline #2: Watch For Zodiacal Light–False Dawn!

Synopsis: The autumn equinox came on September 22nd for us in the Northern Hemisphere, which means that these autumn mornings present a good time of year to see the zodiacal light, also known as the false dawn. With the moon out of the morning sky for the next two weeks, this is your chance to catch the zodiacal light in the east before dawn’s first light. If you’re in the Southern Hemisphere, where the spring equinox happened a few weeks ago, the zodiacal light appears in your western sky, beginning about an hour after the sun goes down.

Headline #3: NASA Han’t Confirmed Existence of Planet 9: What We Know of the “Planet” At The Edge of the Solar System

Synopsis: NASA has not confirmed the existence of Planet 9, a giant hypothetical object believed to be lurking at the edges of the solar system, contrary to reports—but what the space agency has said is that evidence is currently pointing towards it being real, and that scientists may be starting to close in on it. The idea behind Planet 9 is not new. Scientists have argued there is a ninth planet (after Pluto was downgraded to dwarf planet) sitting somewhere beyond Neptune since 2014. Two years later, a team from Caltech presented evidence to show something was disturbing the orbits of Kuiper Belt Objects (KBOs)—the Kuiper Belt is a huge shell of icy objects that encases the solar system.

Headline #4: Florida Witness Reports Rectangular UFO Near Tampa Bay

Synopsis: According to the witness, he had gone outside to smoke a cigarette when he noticed a flat rectangular object under the clouds. He says the area has a lot of air traffic, and at first he thought it might be a helicopter, but soon realized it was not. After a few seconds of watching it, the object zipped off. The witness estimated the object to be about 100 miles away, over the Gulf of Mexico. He said it was headed south, towards the coast of Tampa. Another strange aspect to his sighting, is that the witness claims he saw spots when he closed his eyes. Apparently like those when you look at a bright object, like the sun. However, the witness says he was not looking in the sun’s direction.

Headline #5:

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