Here is the UFO Headline News for Tuesday October 10th, 2017

UFO Headline News | Daily UFO News Podcast - Powered by Inception Radio Network

Headline #1: Summer Triangle and The Galactic Plane

Synopsis: Tonight, use the Summer Triangle and the constellation Cygnus the Swan to locate the sky’s galactic equator … and then project outward to the plane, or flat disk, of our Milky Way galaxy. Sure, it’s autumn here in the Northern Hemisphere, but the three brilliant stars that make up the Summer Triangle still shine. You’ll find them way up high in the October evening sky. Astronomer Bruce McClure suggests viewing the scene from the comfort of a reclining lawn chair, with your feet pointing southward. As seen from mid-northern latitudes, the stars Deneb and Vega hang high overhead at nightfall and early evening. Vega, the brightest Summer Triangle star, shines to the west (or right) of Deneb, and Altair, the second brightest, is found roughly halfway between your southern horizon and straight overhead.

Headline #2: The Moon May Have Had An Atmosphere For 70 Million Years

Synopsis: Blue sky on Moon? Not likely—but scientists re-examining old rocks brought from the Apollo missions now believe that our orbiting satellite may have once had a thick atmosphere. The research, published in the journal Earth and Planetary Science Letters, reveals that  ancient volcanoes about four billion years ago may have created an atmosphere that lasted for about 70 million years before eventually fading away. The scientists from the Lunar and Planetary Institute found that the volcanic samples “carried gas components, such as carbon monoxide, the ingredients for water, sulfur, and other volatile species.” Researchers used calculations to figure out how much gas rose from the volcano’s lava in order to form the atmosphere. They discovered the atmosphere was at its thickest somewhere between 3 to 4 billion years ago.

Headline #3: UFO Sighting in Panama City Beach, Florida

Synopsis: At the time of the photo, approximately 6:47 p.m. –the time recorded on my cell phone–I simply wanted a photo of the full moon a few minutes before it set over the Gulf of Mexico; the image was taken from the 2nd floor balcony of the hotel room where my sister and I were staying for a few days…the balcony overlooked the beach; I framed the view and took the image– at no time did I or my sister, see nor were we aware of this object, or any other object in the field of view;  we heard no sound other than that of the surf.

Headline #4:  UFO Sighting in Lost Creek, West Virginia

Synopsis: I saw it at a distance and as I stared at it, it appeared to come closer. it was mostly just a large light, it only came to my attention because I was talking on my ham radio and I started getting some type of loud static– I was very upset because I had just found a female human on the radio to talk to– so I walked outside to smoke a quick joint–I could not tell much about the object because the lights were so bright I could not make out much of a shape until later when it was leaving; I also noticed that my cat, who’s called “Snots”, would not look away from the object.

Headline #5: UFO Sighting in Quakertown, Pennsylvania

Synopsis: Here is my account of many unidentified objects which myself my girlfriend’s father and I experienced last night in Quakertown in the morning hours of 10/8/17–I did need not keep an accurate track time of when it all started…I did go to bed at 7:30 am, when it started getting light and everything was no longer visual; imagine standing on the 50 yard line of a football field–you are standing with a camera in the neutral zone above the center, you are to record the play as it happens around you…you can’t–because you are standing in the middle of it…I have great video of this event, but the totality of how massive it was cannot be captured, because everything was happening around us, we were in the center of it all.

Headline #6: UFO Conference in Danbury, Connecticut Seeking Eyewitnesses

Synopsis: Danbury – UFO investigators will conduct a conference Saturday to share information and collect eyewitness accounts about unexplained sightings. The UFO conference is planned at the Danbury Library, 170 Main Street. UFO researcher and author Linda Zimmerman will be among the presenters, according to the event’s press release. Her presentation will focus on the wave of UFO sightings in the New York Hudson Valley and western Connecticut in the 1980s. The event, planned from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., will also include presentations by radio hosts Paul and Ben Eno, author Rosemary Ellen Guiley, and UFO investigator Shane Sirois, the release said.

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