Here is the UFO Headline News for Thursday October 12th, 2017

UFO Headline News | Daily UFO News Podcast - Powered by Inception Radio Network

Headline #1: As Flames Raced in California, Some Left in Dark

Synopsis: Santa Rosa, Calif.–As fast-moving fires invaded neighborhoods across Northern California this week, residents of Napa and Sonoma counties said they were alerted to the approaching disaster by frantic shouts from neighbors, honking horns, blaring smoke alarms and even the noise of an American flag, whipping in the intense winds. But it’s become increasingly clear that at least some residents did not receive warnings on their cellphones similar to an Amber Alert. The so-called Wireless Emergency Alert sends loud, screeching alarms or vibrations to all cellphones in a geographic area unless a user specifically opts out.

Headline #2: What Bright Star Flashes Red and Green?

Synopsis: Tonight, check out one of the flashiest stars in the sky. Every year in northern autumn, we get questions from people in the Northern Hemisphere who see a bright star twinkling with red and green flashes, low in the northeastern sky as seen from Northern Hemisphere locations. That star is likely Capella, which is actually a golden star. In fact, if you could travel to it in space, you’d find that Capella is actually two golden stars, both with roughly the same surface temperature as our local star, the sun . . . but both larger and brighter than our sun.

Headline #3: I-Team/George Knapp: DeLonge Unveils Plans For Cutting Edge Science to Investigate UFOs

Synopsis: Las Vegas – A rock star turned UFO entrepreneur is finally ready to unveil plans for an ambitious investigation of cutting-edge phenomena, and this time, he’s bringing help. Musician Tom Delonge first revealed his long-term plans to the I-Team nearly two years ago. When DeLonge first told the I-Team 18 months ago that he had connected with high-ranking military and intelligence officials and got them to open up about UFOs, the public groaned. Why would national security authorities spend any time speaking to a punk rocker, especially about intrusions by unknown aircraft? DeLonge’s many critics said he was making it up, or being fed disinformation. Then, Wikileaks released hundreds of pages of emails from presidential advisor John Podesta’s account, and among them were messages from Tom DeLonge, identifying top generals and others who were advising him about UFOs.

Headline #4: Tom DeLonge Announces Launch of ‘To The Stars Academy of Arts & Science’

Synopsis: Tom DeLonge announced the launch of the ‘To The Stars Academy of Arts & Science,’ which is described as “a consortium of scientists, aerospace engineers and creatives that will work collectively to allow gifted researchers the freedom to explore exotic science and technologies with the infrastructure and resources to rapidly transition innovative ideas into world-changing products and services.”

Headline #5: Tom DeLonge’s UFO Research Team Revealed, Includes Government Insiders

Synopsis: Rocker Tom DeLonge has finally released information about a big UFO project he has been teasing for months. Finally, the wait is over, and we now know his new project will be titled To the Stars Academy, and its mission is to “strive to be a powerful vehicle for change by creating a consortium among science, aerospace and entertainment that will work collectively to allow gifted researchers the freedom to explore exotic science and technologies with the infrastructure and resources to rapidly transition them to products that can change the world”

Headline #6: UFO Sighting in Wyantskill, New York

Synopsis: This is a story that I am very reluctant to tell–I have kept it my secret for years and have only recently shared it with my wife, father-in-law, and children; it has been on my mind daily since it happened and kept me wondering for the last 25-ish years: I awoke on a clear, cold night at 3:33 am ( I remember seeing it on my 1980’s-style digital alarm clock) I had a loft bed and when I opened my eyes, I was watching a clear, brilliant bulb, floating in the field next to our property–I climbed down from my loft bed, and this object was now in the back of my parents back yard; (we had 8 acres)…I could not tell if if landed or floated–it didn’t matter…at the time we owned horses and I remember them running into our barn area–which was illuminated–with their ears pinned back!

Headline #7: ‘UFO’ Spotted Over Yellowstone Volcano?

Synopsis: A video has popped up on YouTube which purportedly shows a UFO zigzagging over the Yellowstone volcano. The choppy video, which is more than 3 minutes in length, appears to show a metallic object in the sky. A bright light emerges from the object for a few seconds and then it speeds off into the distance. The video was taken on June 9, but only recently uploaded to the video-sharing site. Yellowstone has long been a hotspot for alien sightings and enthusiasts. According to the National UFO Reporting Center, there have been hundreds of reported sightings in the state of Wyoming, going all the way back to 1871.

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