Here is the UFO Headline News for Monday October 23rd, 2017

UFO Headline News | Daily UFO News Podcast - Powered by Inception Radio Network

Headline #1: Keep Watching: Moon–Saturn–Antares

Synopsis: Tonight – October 23, 2017 – and tomorrow night, let the waxing crescent moon be your guide to the planet Saturn. The moon will be easy to spot above the sunset point. That nearby bright starlike object will be Saturn, 6th planet outward from the sun. Seek for the moon and Saturn as soon as darkness falls, or when these two celestial beauties are highest up for the night. From mid-northern latitudes, the moon and Saturn follow the sun beneath the horizon by early-to-mid evening; and from the Southern Hemisphere, these two worlds set at late evening.

Headline #2: NASA Is Extending Dawn’s Mission Over Ceres For A Second Time

Synopsis: In June 2016, the Dawn spacecraft reached the end of its primary mission over Ceres. Since then, the spacecraft has remained in orbit around the dwarf planet, where it has continued to monitor and study its surface. This week, NASA has announced a second mission extension for the probe, one that will take its closest look yet at the solar system’s largest dwarf planet. When Dawn arrived in orbit around Ceres in 2015, it provided scientists with an unprecedented look at at the asteroid belt’s largest object, revealing new features (which turn out to be made of salt), an active surface, and even organic compounds. There was still fuel left over once it completed that mission, and while scientists considered sending the spacecraft to another, undisclosed asteroid, they opted to remain in a high orbit to continue studying the object.

Headline #3: Moon Cave Discovered That Could Act As Location To Establish A Lunar Base

Synopsis: Expanding human presence to our nearest celestial body, the Moon, has long been a dream of astronomers and their agencies here on Earth. However, an environment unfit for human life, not to mention cost, distance, and sustainability, have always proved to be the biggest roadblocks in their ambitious plans. A recent discovery by JAXA, Japan’s space agency, provides a promising location for a potential Moon base that could help eliminate several problems that come attached to building on the surface. Japan’s Selenological and Engineering Explorer (Selene) probe used radio waves to help uncover an enormous cave in the Marius Hills, roughly 50 km (31 miles) long and 100 meters wide.

Headline #4: Newsweek Special Edition: “Life Beyond Earth?”–The Mission To Find the Answer

Synopsis: Newsweek recently released a special edition magazine titled Life Beyond Earth? The Mission to Find the Answer, and while one might expect it to be dominated by stories about NASA’s search for extraterrestrial microbes, or the SETI Institutes search for extraterrestrial radio signals, instead it is full of information about topics such as UFO investigations and alien abductions. That may make some in our community cringe in fear of ridicule, but the stories are balanced and largely treat the topics positively.

Headline #5: Las Vegas Millionaire Plans To Build Orbiting Space Station For The Moon

Synopsis: The moon – that cold, gray outpost that NASA last visited 45 years ago – is hot again. Elon Musk and Jeffrey P. Bezos say so. And as the current administration sets its sights on the lunar surface, a growing number of companies say they are ready for the challenge. The latest is Bigelow Aerospace, the Las Vegas-based maker of inflatable space habitats. In an announcement Tuesday, the company that it is hoping to send one of its space stations to lunar orbit by 2022 in partnership with the United Launch Alliance, the joint venture of Lockheed Martin and Boeing.

Headline #6: Wireless Charging Will Make Drones Always Ready To Fly

Synopsis: Drones are great until you realize running all those propellers, a camera, GPS and other assorted technology bits are a real drain on the battery. If you’re just using one for images it’s not too big of a deal. But if you’re using one for surveying, security or delivering burritos, swapping out batteries all the time can be a huge pain and time suck. Fortunately, there’s a new wireless charging landing pad on its way. The WiBotic PowerPad is a three-foot by three-foot landing station that comes with an onboard charger that can be attached to pretty much any drone according to the company.

Headline #7: UFO Sighting in Plymouth, England

Synopsis: I was walking home across a dark park–with not a cloud in the sky!– in front of me at approximately 47 degrees above the horizon I saw an orange object fly across the sky…it seemed to bounce off the stratosphere and then speed up…it was not a meteorite as there was no tail and it then sped up and shot across the sky at high speed–then vanished!

Headline #8: UFO Sighting in Hot Sulphur Springs, Colorado

Synopsis: Highway 40–West–3 to 5 miles west of Hot Sulphur Springs–late morning September 13th,  2017. Near mm 200. Looking at the high canyon walls while driving, with my wife snapping photos; we noticed a very odd object, moving slow, then hovering;  it was black in color–it had a long rectangular shape–almost a cigar-shape–with a faint glimmer around the edges moving like a flowing vapor.

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