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Titus Joseph

A Holistic New Concept that Reconciles Science to Spirituality

Monday, October 16th, 2017 at 6 pm ET, Keith Anthony Blanchard of Center of Light Radio invites Tituns Joseph to discuss the problem of duality as it applies in science and spirituality. He demonstrates the importance of resolving the binding paradox by pointing to the negative consequences of the separation and concomitant anxiety, implicit in dualism, that really affects us in our ordinary lives.

Titus introduces a new concept that is proposed to bridge the divide and provide us a pair of corrective lens so that we may see and understand our reality more clearly. The beauty that comes out of this is in how the science and spirituality become one.


Titus Joseph is author of two books on metaphysics entitled, “Our Curious World of Mirror Images,” and, “I AM ‘Mind,’ I AM ‘Consciousness’” ( These books introduce a new idea to us called, “Positional Symmetry – Requisite Mirror Image.” PSRMI is conceived as the arche—the fundamental principle that explains how existing things come into being, as evidenced by the curious symmetries we see throughout nature and mirrored in the laws of science. Mr. Joseph has a Bachelor’s degree in Philosophy with a minor in Religious Studies and a Master’s degree in Counseling

I Am ‘Mind’ I Am ‘Consciousness’

I AM ‘Mind, ‘ I AM ‘Consciousness, ‘ delivers a dramatic spiritual development of the original metaphysical ideas disclosed in the authors previous work, entitled, Our Curious World of Mirror Images. I AM ‘Mind, ‘ utilizes the same paradigm as a pair of corrective lens to take a whole new look at the vast universe, the omnipresent expanse of space and time, to reveal a new radical and enhanced, intelligent view of the Cosmos. This original perspective assimilates our ideas of the invisible GOD of Abraham, reconciling it with empirical science, to disclose GOD in the form of our magnificent transparent universe.

With the introduction of this bold new concept of GOD, the author then revisits ancient sacred texts bringing them to light in whole new ways that open our eyes, to increase understanding; and, remind us again of GOD. We are then able, by virtue of this meaningful new paradigm, to see GOD everywhere and in everything. GOD then becomes increasingly accessible to us to the extent that we experience GOD in our daily lives.

When was the last time you read something entirely new and original that resonates in you as truth, is confirmed by science, and elicits a spiritual impulse by its nature?
Do you seek higher thoughts and concepts to meditate on, to promote emotional, psychological, and spiritual well-being?

Are you seeking to reconcile our ideas of GOD with reality, or perhaps, seeking meaning in life; then this is the book for you!
Read On, I Promise You… – Get the Book!

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The post Titus Joseph appeared first on Inception Radio Network | UFO & Paranormal Talk Radio.

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