A Blended Soup of Cryptids, Ghost, and Aliens

Friday, October 27th, 2017 at 11 pm ET, Paraversal Universe Radio’s au courant couple of the para-weird, Kevin and Jennifer Malek for a sixth episode of the Paranormal Blender, their end of the month newscast about this months current paranormal, supernatural, fortean, esoteric, and ultra-bizzare news stories from around the world.

Joining them for analysis will be fellow Northern Wisconsin Paranormal Society Ltd members Ufologist Mike MJ Lucas & Cryptozoologist/Shaman Donald Young.

So What’s in a Paranormal Blender?

Paranormal Blender Ep. 6 | Roundtable Chat on Cryptids, Aliens, & Ghosts

By definition, a supernatural or paranormal phenomenon is an event that defies explanation in terms of the typical human experience. In other words, it is something that science can’t explain; at least not yet. Examples of paranormal phenomena include ghosts, cryptids, telekinesis, and other forms of psychic powers or supernatural entities.

List of Paranormal Phenomena

There are myriad experiences that fall within the realm of the paranormal. Here are a few broad categories to give you an overview of just how much “supernatural” activity is reported around the globe.


Ghosts might be considered the grand-daddy of paranormal experiences. Everyone has some level of curiosity about what happens when they die. Is there really life after physical death? Are spirits capable of communicating with the living? Some people believe so, and some desperately hope it’s true. Wherever you stand on the topic, many people have reported seeing misty apparitions of human forms, some familiar and others unknown.

Although most people think of ghosts in human terms there are other types of spirits that fall into this category, including evil spirits sometimes referred to as demons, and elemental spirits simply referred to as an “it.”

There are a number of theories about what ghosts may be and how they may manage to communicate with the living. Current parapsychological theory holds that a ghost’s pure consciousness exists as energy and is able to communicate through extrasensory perceptions such as clairaudience and clairvoyance. Interestingly, it is believed that the creatures that exist in this paranormal realm are not necessarily dead, but rather can be the consciousness of anyone, living or dead, that is currently disembodied. In other words, a living human who is having an out of body experience or astral projection may appear to someone else as a ghost.


Demonology is a popular paranormal topic. There are many in the paranormal community, such as the controversial Lorraine Warren, who have dedicated their paranormal careers to demonology.

Opinions are split as to whether demons actually exist. From a faith-based perspective, there is a wide-spread belief that demons are the minions of Satan; however many modern ghost hunters eschew this idea. Instead, they believe that what is thought to be a demon is really just an angry ghost or a misunderstood spirit. Many believe that people retain their personalities from life into the afterlife, and a demon may just be a person who was not very nice in life and is continuing on in the afterlife.


Hauntings are paranormal experiences that are typically attached to a location. They can involve ghosts, but this isn’t always the case. According to The Atlantic Paranormal Society (TAPS) article Get to Know Your Ghosts, hauntings can be classed accordingly:

Residual hauntings: This activity involves a scenario repeating itself over and over in a given location at a general time of day. Think of it as watching a supernatural re-run of a TV program.

Poltergeist activity: Poltergeists are a type of energy that attach to people, causing unusual mayhem and activity wherever an affected person goes. Objects moving by themselves, cupboard doors opening on their own and projectiles thrown by unseen forces all fall under the heading of poltergeist activity.

Intelligent hauntings: This is the classic type of haunting where a spirit attempts to interact with living beings at a particular location.

Within paranormal realms, poltergeist hauntings are often the most feared because they can be terrifying and even violent. Many are surprised to learn that parapsychologists believe that poltergeists have nothing to do with haunts or dead people. Instead, a poltergeist is believed to be a form of psychokinetic energy manifested by a living person who is unaware of what they are doing.


Has Earth been visited by beings from another world? Does life exist beyond the earth’s atmosphere? There’s certainly a lot of anecdotal evidence to support the claims, as well as a large body of questionable physical evidence. Some people even claim the US government is keeping conclusive physical evidence under tight security since the infamous UFO crash decades ago in Roswell, New Mexico.


This fascinating branch of paranormal research is all about animals as yet unidentified and cataloged by conventional science.

They include the study of:

Bigfoot/Yeti/Skunk Ape creatures
The Loch Ness Monster
Myths and Legends
This category includes famous legendary creatures such as:
Green Man

The belief in these paranormal creatures has been around for centuries, usually arising from stories passed down through cultures to explain elements of life that couldn’t be easily understood.

Metaphysical Phenomena

Metaphysical phenomena include but are not limited to such concepts as:

Reincarnation: The cyclic return of a single soul to new physical bodies

Telepathy: The silent transmission of thoughts

Telekinesis: The ability to move objects with the power of the mind

Clairvoyance/ESP: The ability to perceive past and future events, as well as sense things beyond the scope of the general five senses

Astrology: The study of how the planets and other astral bodies affect the human experience

Chakras: Seven energy portals located at specific points of the body from the pelvis to the top of the head

Auras: Colorful energy fields that envelop a person at any given moment – credit

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