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Edwin Becker

Life Inside of a Home Doomed by a True Haunting

Wednesday, October 11th, 2017 at 7:30 pm EDT, join Supernatural Girlz host Patricia Baker and co-host PK invites Edwin Becker to share the continued story of a haunted house purchased by he and his wife Marsha. This house was featured on Paranormal Witness and broke audience records! An incredible story of how the spirits in this house turned everyone’s lives upside down – forever.


Edwin Becker is 71 and became a best selling author with the release of his book True Haunting in 2011. He has appeared on SYFY’s Paranormal Witness in the record breaking season two finale, “The Tenants.” He has also acted as guest and co-host on numerous commercial and internet radio shows in the U.S., Canada, United Kingdom and Australia. He was born in Chicago, Illinois, a Baby Boomer.

Coming from an abusive broken home, he spent a number of elementary years in Maryville, a Catholic children’s institution. There, he learned Latin and became an altar boy.

He went on to become a professional musician and spent his later teen years traveling the states with an R&B Show band. Entering college, he studied the emerging field of computers and eventually progressed to VP of MIS for a major healthcare corporation. He became president of a software company that catered to the sales and development of healthcare inventory management. Suffering a near fatal heart attack, he retired to the Ozarks where he opened a collectible store for a number of years.

He has been writing original stories for over three decades for pure enjoyment. He has two daughters that have given him four granddaughters. His youngest daughter is involved with fostering abused children, and rescuing animals, including horses. He has a son-in-law involved in law enforcement. His life experience and interests run the gamut as he has enjoyed boating, martial arts, ballistics, comics, guitars, motorcycles, religion, and the paranormal, to name a few personal interests. His personal philosophy? “Leave everything and everyone better than you found them.”

True Haunting: 2

A companion story to the original True Haunting. True Haunting 2 is from the voices and experiences of Marsha, the stay-at-home wife, and Dan, one of the longer-term tenants from the first floor apartment and includes material left out of the first book. A factual account written by a best-selling author, featuring the birth of televised paranormal! This is the story of a true haunting. It was the first ever televised paranormal event by NBC in 1971. A young couple purchases a building that was built and occupied by a single family that refused to relinquish their hold, even after death. Investigated and verified by experts, this residence brought chaos to the lives of those who chose to reside there. Unlike a horror novel, this chronicles what a real ghostly experience truly is. Long before the laws of disclosure, a young couple winds up in the midst of strange occurrences, and survives.

True Haunting was a 40+ year project, starting from the time we moved out. The book broke all sorts of records and even launched itself into television. The paranormal was not something people discussed back in the 70’s, and it certainly didn’t have the acceptance and toleration people have for it today. But, about twenty-five years later, society was a slightly more accepting. Now, the writing will not stop.

Thousands of emails have poured in asking about Marsha’s story; and, we’re happy to say that after publishing True Haunting, the “Dave” in the book–actual name: Dan White–contacted me 40 years later and we have since rekindled a lost relationship that was once hindered by business and the darkness that was encompassed within the house. Thus, True Haunting 2 was born! – Get the Book!

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The post Edwin Becker appeared first on Inception Radio Network | UFO & Paranormal Talk Radio.

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