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Dr. Rita Louise

Ancient Gods & Goddesses as Aliens – The Historical Evidence

Saturday, October 14th, 2017 at 11 pm ET, Join Paranormal Now’s host Alan B. Smith and fellow IRN host of Just Energy Radio, Dr. Rita Louise in a chat about the long history of evidence to support the ancient aliens theory. Author and researcher, Dr. Rita Louise, offers refreshing clues to support the longtime visitation of these “gods” to our planet, what their intentions may have been and considers just how many “alien” races there may be.

Assuming that there are a multitude of alien races visiting Earth, Dr. Louise proposes her own interpretation of the Star Trek conception of a “Prime Directive” and how it may have and still does apply to these beings own interactions amongst themselves. Have these intergalactic guidelines lead to conflicts or have they prevented conflict and kept us safe. What we do know from our mythologies and known history, is that drama is not the sole property of human beings. Put your thinking caps and for this delightful discussion!


Bestselling author, Dr. Rita Louise is the host of Just Energy Radio and the Founder of the Institute Of Applied Energetics. She is the author of the books The ET Chronicles: What Myth and Legend Has To Say About Human Origin, Avoiding The Cosmic 2X4, Dark Angels: An Insider’s Guide To Ghosts, Spirits & Attached Entities and The Power Within as well as hundreds of articles that have been published worldwide.

She is also the producer of a number of videos whose titles include: Holy Deception, iKon: Deconstructing The Archetypes Of The Ancients, The Truth About The Nephilim and Deceit, Lies & Deception: The Reptilian Agenda. Dr. Rita has appeared on radio and television and has spoken at conferences covering topics such as health and healing, ghosts, intuition, ancient mysteries and the paranormal.

Dr. Rita’s Extended Bio –

Alan’s Paranormal Cabin

UFO/Ancient Alien Research, More Diversity In Ideas!

I can look at a photograph and digital image of a UAP (better known as a UFO) and analyze it until I’m blue in the face, but will it tell me anything discernible about the very long history of supposed “Ancient Alien” contact? Perhaps one day we will discover some clue in these modern day UFO images that hints at the past – but until then we must rely on the diligent and extraordinary efforts by intrepid researches like Dr. Rita Louise.

Above, I had just put ancient aliens in quotes with capital letters for a reason. For one, I think we would all agree that from our ancestor’s point of view – should there have been contact from extraterrestrials – they most likely would have perceived them to be gods. Secondly, that term has become a catch-all phrase which now irrevocably evokes sound and imagery from the Ancient Aliens show on the History channel. And those who have new and alternative theories will now always be compared to the Ancient Aliens show and perhaps even overlooked by open minded academics simply because the concept is associated with entertainment. I thoroughly enjoy the series – especially when it just started out – and I am certainly grateful that we now have a wider awareness of the subject matter throughout our society. My concern is that novel or unheard of ideas will have to forcefully contend with the propriety of a meme in order to stand on it’s own merits. That said, of course, I would love to see Dr. Rita Louise on the History channel show because getting that kind of exposure for her ideas is priceless. The challenge is to not bend toward a narrative that may betray the integrity of an original theory.

Thanks to the ongoing work by the likes of Dr. Rita Louise, Erich von Däniken, Jacques Vallée and others, I think we now have a rich enough mycelium of historical data from which we may begin to use towards analyzing modern day evidence and comparing it to and measuring against the historical data to see if we can in fact learn something new about this alien phenomenon. We should have a team that commits itself to comparative research. To search for an elusive pattern that I think may exist in modern day evidence such as video, photographs and crop circles which may direct us to a larger story that stretches through time.

Also, I would like to add that while more women are gaining notoriety for their research in the field, I still think we need to see more in the media and given greater exposure. I also believe that the more diversity in ethnicity we see in researchers that are given their due, all the better. This also applies to people of different sexual orientations. The same is true of local DIY researchers who may not have the monetary means to travel all around, but can apply their esoteric and common sense knowledge of their own region toward local data collection analysis. The reason I say this is because we are dealing with fringe encounters, enigmatic history and an uncannily fluctuating line of study that push the boundaries of scientific assumptions. We must think outside the box. And to do so successfully, we will need to be a collective of individuals whom of which have as wide a breath of experience as possible. We will gain more unexpected insight when we have a diversity of individual perspectives looking at the same subject. We are none of us the same. For although good research and scientific method supersedes gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation or title – we always begin with a theory; and a theory is not without a perspective.

Diversity nurtures novelty, and novel approaches are always welcome!

– Alan B. Smith

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The post Dr. Rita Louise appeared first on Inception Radio Network | UFO & Paranormal Talk Radio.

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