Joining an Intergalactic Star Nations of Alien Races

Wednesday, October 11th, 2017 at 11 pm EDT, the genial prolocutor and voice of California MUFON Radio, Lorien Fenton invites Dr. Richard Boylan to discuss how our Earth’s civilization can earn an invitation to join the intergalactic federation of Star Nation that is made up of over 1400 alien races.


Dr. Richard Boylan | Joining an Intergalactic Star Nations of Alien Races

Dr. Richard J. Boylan is a Ph.D. behavioral scientist, anthropologist, university associate professor (emeritus), certified hypnotherapist, researcher, and Councillor. He is a consultant to Star Kids and Star Seed adults seeking to understand better their origin, identity and mission, in order to have full awareness and clarity about their star origins, and advance in their inner growth, spiritual development, and future path.

Since 1989 Dr. Boylan has conducted research into human encounters with the Star Visitors. This has led to his current focus, creating the Star Kids Project, Ltd in 2003, and working with these genetically-upgraded children with advanced abilities, and their families, and those who are now grown into adulthood.

He is President of the Star Kids Project, Ltd. Dr. Boylan has presented papers on his research at, among other conferences, the 1992 M.I.T. Abduction Study Conference, the 1995 Cosmic Cultures International Conference at Washington, DC, and the 2008 International Symposium on Star Nations, Rome. He is author of four books, Close Extraterrestrial Encounters (1994), Labored Journey To the Stars (1996), Project Epiphany (1997), and Star Kids: the Emerging Cosmic Generation (2005). He has over 50 articles published.

In February, 2005 Star Nations, the organization of intelligent advanced civilizations in our galaxy, selected Dr. Boylan to represent planet Earth on their High Council, and to provide policy advice about Earth, as well as be their spokesperson on Earth. For the past seven years he has been serving in that capacity. –


The Human – Star Nations Connection

The Human - Star Nations Connection by Dr. Richard Boylan

The controversial program from the States’ armed forces will see them create software which could be uploaded directly to the brain to give their soldiers heightened senses while also attempting to cure ailments such as blindness, paralysis and speech disorders.

The Human-Star Nations Connections is a life-changing book. After you read it, your view of what is reality will never be the same again.

This book will surprise you. It will shake you up
The Human-Star Nations Connections will revolutionize your ideas about who you are, where you came from, and where you are heading.

It will empower you. It will make you mad. And it will give you hope.
Find out what your connection is to those UFOs reported in so many places.
Learn how both the Sunday School explanation of where we came from and Charles Darwin’s are both wrong.
Find out who are behind the constant crises, wars, financial turmoil, and political intrigue that keeps our society off-balance.

Understand the real reason why the UFO Cover-Up has been going on for 70 years.

Discover latent abilities which your children and you never knew you had.

And come to see where our society is headed, and how we are going to get there.

Take a deep breath, and move behind the curtain of the “Matrix” which you have been told your whole life is “reality”.

As the seer John of Patmos said, “You shall know the truth, and the truth will set you free!”

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