The Upside of Being Abducted

Saturday, October 21st, 2017 at 9 pm ET, Mack Maloney, Juan-Juan of Mack Maloney’s Military X-Files talk to the organizers of the highly-successful Greater New England UFO Conference of Leominster, Mass. Cindy Bailey Dove on a secret drone base near her house in Arkansas. Barbara With’s update on her spooky hand injury. Rob Beckhusen on nuking hurricanes and what’s new with his cat, Puddles. Switchblade Steve on a bizarre Men-in-Black incident in Maine in 1975. Famous UFO abductee Travis Walton reveals his celebrity status helps him meet chicks.

What you Need to Know About Alien Abductions

Alien Abductions | There is an Upside of Being Abducted, Right?

The terms alien abduction or abduction phenomenon describe “subjectively real memories of being taken secretly against one’s will by apparently nonhuman entities and subjected to complex physical and psychological procedures Such abductions have sometimes been classified as close encounters of the fourth kind. People claiming to have been abducted are usually called “abductees” or “experiencers”.

Due to a lack of objective physical evidence, most scientists and mental health professionals dismiss the phenomenon as “deception, suggestibility (fantasy-proneness, hypnotizability, false memory syndrome), personality, sleep paralysis, psychopathology, psychodynamics and environmental factors”. Skeptic Robert Sheaffer sees similarity between the aliens depicted in science fiction films, in particular, Invaders From Mars, and some of those reported to have actually abducted people.

Typical claims involve being subjected to forced medical examinations that emphasize abductee reproductive systems Abductees sometimes claim to have been warned against environmental abuse and the dangers of nuclear weapons. While many of these claimed encounters are described as terrifying, some have been viewed as pleasurable or transformative.

The first alleged alien abduction claim to be widely publicized was the Betty and Barney Hill abduction in 1961. Reports of the abduction phenomenon have been made around the world, but are most common in English speaking countries, especially the United States. The contents of the abduction narrative often seem to vary with the home culture of the alleged abductee.

Alien abductions have been the subject of conspiracy theories and science fiction storylines (notably The X-Files) that have speculated on stealth technology required if the phenomenon were real, the motivations for secrecy, and that alien implants could be a possible form of physical evidence.

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Wingman 18: Battle for America by Mack Maloney

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