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UFO Headline News Tuesday September 26th, 2017

Here is the UFO Headline News for Tuesday September 26th, 2017

Headline #1: Moon Next to Saturn on September 26th

Synopsis: Tonight – September 26, 2017 – as soon as darkness falls, no matter where you are on Earth, look for the waxing crescent moon. The bright golden light near it will be the planet Saturn. The moon and Saturn will sink downward toward the sunset point as evening deepens. As seen from across the globe, they’ll set beneath your horizon by mid-evening. In other words, your best view of the moon and Saturn happens at nightfall, while the two beam highest in the sky. Nightfall also presents the best time to view Saturn’s gorgeous rings, so if you have a small telescope, bring it on out!

Headline #2: After Lengthy Campaign, Australia Gets Its Own Space Agency

Synopsis: Sydney, AustraliaAustralia was the third nation after the United States and the USSR to build and launch a satellite from its own rocket range. But after the Weapons Research Establishment Satellite (WRESAT) took to the skies on 29 November 1967, the country’s space efforts dwindled. Australia’s last microsatellite—launched from a Japanese facility—died in 2007. Along with Iceland, Australia was one of only two Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development nations without a space agency. But that’s about to change. The government announced today at the 68th International Astronautical Congress in Adelaide, Australia, that it will establish a national space agency.

Headline #3: Los Angeles ‘UFO’ Mystery Solved!

Synopsis: The mysterious object in the sky above Los Angles on Saturday night has been identified. Video of the object soon appeared on Twitter. “Did anyone else in #losangeles see this in the sky tonight around 11pm!? @GriffithObserv what was it? Cool, yet scary! #comet #asteroid #ufo?” asked Twitter user @reelhopelavelle. The object, however, was quickly explained. “Oooh okay! #MysterySolved it was a #rocket from #vandenberg air force base! Neat!,” @reelhopelavelle tweeted. The United Launch Alliance (ULA) Atlas V rocket took off from Vandenberg’s Space Launch Complex-3 at 10:49:47 p.m. PDT carrying a payload for the National Reconnaissance Office. “Designated NROL-42, the mission is in support of national security,” explained United Launch Alliance, in a press release.

Headline #4: Mysterious Readings on U.S. Submarine Sonar:Marc D’Antonio Believes Navy Has Secret USO Program

Synopsis: The Mutual UFO Network’s chief photo expert, Marc D’Antonio, says he was on a United States Navy submarine when they tracked a very fast moving object in the ocean. Subsequent responses from Navy personnel lead D’Antonio to believe the Navy has a secret program regarding Unidentified Submerged Objects (USOs). USOs are the underwater equivalent to UFOs. Although much less popular, there are famous USO cases Ufologists often reference. One of the most interesting USO stories for the author of this article, Alejandro Rojas,  is that of his friend, Marc D’Antonio. Rojas has heard it several times in D’Antonio’s company, and he believes they even talked about it on one of his many appearances on the Open Minds UFO Radio podcast

Headline #5: UFO Sighting in Naperville, Illinois

Synopsis: I got up to use the bathroom at about 1 am in my house; when I was going to the bathroom, I heard what sounded like a loud humming coming from outside of the house–it sounded like it was coming from right above the house and this sound lasted for about five minutes, then it faded away–I didn’t bother to look, because the noise really creeped me out…I was just happy that it stopped! we’ve heard some creepy noises around here, but this one was really terrifying.

Headline #6: UFO Sighting in Bronx, New York

Synopsis: At the time, I was smoking a cigarette out the window when suddenly a bright star caught my attention–it still was not dark outside. so to see a very bright star, you get curious…when the object started moving I was like ‘Holy molly what is that?’–very surprised and exited!

Headline #7: UFO Sighting in Seminole, Florida

Synopsis: I was talking to the neighbor that is living north of us; he was working his car replacing his breaks and we were chatting for a while; he finished putting his breaks on the car and was lowering the jack and when the vehicle hit the ground I leaned over the hood of the vehicle and was kind of trying to wrap up our conversation when there was this weird moment where we both watched a regular airplane fly over–the airplane made a noise which got my attention–and that is when I saw the ‘object.’

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The post UFO Headline News Tuesday September 26th, 2017 appeared first on Inception Radio Network | UFO & Paranormal Talk Radio.

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