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UFO Headline News Thursday September 28th, 2017

Here is the UFO Headline News for Thursday September 28th, 2017

Headline #1: Eye on The Sky: September 28th, 2017

Synopsis: Capella, the 4th brightest star seen from the northern latitudes, is low in the north after sunset, holding its own as the waxing gibbous Moon brightens in the south. Capella climbs to due northeast by 10:45 PM EDT, known by ancient herdsmen as the “goat star”, with the three small stars to its right called “the kids”. 

Headline #2: Arecibo Observatory ‘Still Standing’ After Hurricane Maria Ravaged Puerto Rico

Synopsis: Nearly a week after Hurricane Maria pulverized Puerto Rico, staff members at the island’s Arecibo Observatory are remaining optimistic as they continue to survey the damage to their enormous radio telescope. The Arecibo Observatory contains the second-largest radio telescope in the world, and that telescope has been out of service ever since Hurricane Maria hit Puerto Rico on Sept. 20. Maria hit the island as a Category 4 hurricane, leaving behind a swath of downed trees, battered buildings and gushing rivers running through the streets.

Headline #3: Prince Philip’s UFO Interests Inspired Biography

Synopsis: Prince Philip, the Duke of Edinburgh and husband to the queen of England, is a UFO aficionado. His UFO interests are not only included in a biography, author Philip Eade writes in his foreword that the idea for the biography came about when he was considering writing a book about prominent ufologists in the period after World War II. The biography is titled, Prince Philip: The Turbulent Early Life of the Man Who Married Queen Elizabeth II, and proves to be a great read.

Headline #4:  Little Green Men From UFOs?  POW WWII Mural At Wright-Patterson Is A Mystery

Synopsis:– Wright- Patterson Air Force BaseWhen people wonder where the “green aliens” are hidden at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Paul Woodruff knows the one place to take them. Tucked away in a sprawling old warehouse and down a long hallway, giant pointy-eared whimsical demon-like creatures atop red flames peer down at passersby. The creatures were the creation of German POWs who painted the giant mural in what was once their dining hall at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in World War II. The colorful mural – which rises from floor to ceiling and beyond and stretches 160 feet long — was once one of three.

Headline #5: UFO Sighting in Colorado Springs, Colorado

Synopsis: Unusual lights/activity seen at 9 pm September 20th, 2017 (duration 2-3 hrs.) My wife was heading to bed, so I took the dog out into the backyard for potty, as usual–a perfectly normal day/night–I immediately noticed ‘disco lights’ in the sky to the northwest, over the Air Force Academy (AFA) in Colorado Springs; I went inside to grab my wife to confirm that I am positively seeing this…the lights were about a mile off the ground and she confirmed that it was flashing lights and of the colors blue, red, green, violet and white; she described it as saucer-shaped and ‘harmoniously flashing’, to something like a song…so  I thought of a tiny ‘disco ball’…

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The post UFO Headline News Thursday September 28th, 2017 appeared first on Inception Radio Network | UFO & Paranormal Talk Radio.

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