Here is the UFO Headline News for Thursday September 21st, 2017

UFO Headline News | Daily UFO News Podcast - Powered by Inception Radio Network

Headline #1: Equinox, Moon and Jupiter For Next Few Days

Synopsis: On September 21st, 22nd and 23rd, 2017 – as the sun crosses the celestial equator, bringing the September 22 equinox – try to catch the slender waxing crescent moon and planet Jupiter in your western twilight sky. Try looking for them as soon as the sky darkens; both the moon and Jupiter are bright and should show up in the twilight. They might be tough from northerly latitudes on September 21st, though. So near the September equinox – with the autumn angle of the sun and moon’s path, the ecliptic, low in the twilight sky – the waxing crescent moon will follow the sun beneath the horizon before it gets good and dark. Meanwhile, from Earth’s Southern Hemisphere, the ecliptic is now making a steep angle with the sunset horizon, and the moon and Jupiter will be higher above that horizon after sunset on September 21st.

Headline #2: NASA Spacecraft About To Slingshot Around Earth To Meet Up With Asteroid

Synopsis: On Friday, a spacecraft the size of an SUV will slingshot around Earth’s South Pole, altering its trajectory through space. The probe is NASA’s OSIRIS-REx, and its upcoming maneuver around our planet is known as a gravity assist — a way to harness Earth’s gravity to alter its orbit. The move is critical, since it will put OSIRIS-REx on course to meet up with an asteroid in the fall of 2018. OSIRIS-REx launched last year with a relatively straightforward purpose: grab a sample of rocks from an asteroid and bring them back to Earth. If all goes well, the vehicle should retrieve the largest sample ever collected from an asteroid, and give scientists the chance to study the space rock components in more detail than ever before. But first, the probe has to reach its target — a nearby asteroid named Bennu.

Headline #3: Daylight Sighting–Small Pale Object–Perranporth, Cornwall–22nd August, 2017

Synopsis: So I’m sitting on Perranporth Beach looking up northwest at the high cirrus clouds,–45 degree elevation, wondering if they mean rain… there’s a stiff offshore breeze, but the high clouds appear to be moving slowly when I notice a small, pale, sharply-defined object (in contrast to the diffuse clouds) which seems to be keeping pace with them–this object was the kind of size that you don’t notice in peripheral vision, but only when you happen to look at it.

Headline #4: Man Convinced UFO Spotted Over Bracknell Had Its ‘Own Life Source’

Synopsis: A man who spotted a “ball bearing” shaped object in the skies above Easthampstead said it appeared to have its “own life source”. Bob Wise, 49, spotted the bizarre object at around midday on a bright sunny day and whipped out his iPhone to capture pictures and video. “It was dim at first, but then it got brighter and brighter, which is when I decided to take the pictures on my iPhone.” Mr. Wise then sat down to edit the photos together, and only then noticed how strange the object was. He added: “My gut reaction is that it’s not ours. It was incredibly bright, it appeared to have its own life source. The light reminded me of being in chemistry lessons at school, like burning magnesium. It wasn’t an electrical light. It was very odd.”

Headline #5: UFO Sighting in Florida, United States

Synopsis: On September 12th, 2017, I meditated using the ce-5 protocol at home–however, I did it twice and my session lasted two hours; at approximately one hour and a half, I started saying “peace and love” in my mind repeatedly and that’s when things started to pick up–I started to hear clicking noises and within my mind, I was seeing repeated images of my backdoor; my alarm rang, letting me know the session was over; I went through my backdoor to go out to my backyard–looked up to the sky for a minute–I then saw a star glow a bright orange-yellow.

Headline #6: The CE-5 Initiative–Dr. Steven Greer, Denver, Colorado 1995

Synopsis:’The challenge of formulating teams of people to actually establish a relationship with these life forms is great. We do not want to diminish the logistical, theoretical and other issues. But the basic premise is something very simple. And that is: We are here. The extraterrestrial life forms are there (and frequently are here as well, landing on Terra Firma). Does it not make sense to move from the position of denial or passive observation, into a role of active participation, attempting to engage these life forms and their spacecraft and their occupants in some type of relationship and dialogue? For this reason, the term Close Encounter of the Fifth Kind was created to explain an entirely new category of encounters with these extraterrestrials.’

Headline #7: An Illinois Close Encounter/Cheryl Costa

Synopsis: On Feb. 24, 2005, George, a 91-year-old year man, watched an ABC program on UFOs hosted by Peter Jennings. After watching the program, he telephoned his adult daughter and inquired how to report a UFO sighting from when he was a youth. All names represented here were changed to respect the family’s privacy. This UFO event occurred on an isolated ranch in the wilds of Henry County, Ill. The ranch was located some six miles north of the town of Atkinson, Ill. The population of Atkinson was approximately 700 persons and the Henry County population was only about 45,000 in those days according to the Census.

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