Here is the UFO Headline News for Monday September 18th, 2017

UFO Headline News | Daily UFO News Podcast - Powered by Inception Radio Network

Headline #1: Moon And Venus Next Two Mornings

Synopsis: Before dawn in the next two mornings – September 17 and 18, 2017 – the waning crescent moon and dazzling planet Venus pair up in the east before sunrise. Given clear skies, it’ll be hard to miss them. The moon and Venus rank as the second-brightest and third-brightest celestial bodies, respectively, after the sun. Some sharped-eye people might even see the moon and Venus after sunrise. If you get up before dawn, or about 120 to 90 minutes before the sun, you should have little trouble spotting the star Regulus a short hop below Venus. Although Regulus is a 1st-magnitude star, it pales next to Venus, which outshines this star by a good hundredfold. Watch for Venus to pass about 0.5o of Regulus on the mornings of September 19 and 20. For reference, 0.5o is the equivalent of one moon diameter.

Headline #2: SpaceX Dragon Cargo Craft Splashes Down in Pacific Ocean

Synopsis: A SpaceX Dragon cargo ship returned to Earth  September 17th after a one-month stay at the International Space Station. At 10:16 a.m. EDT (1416 GMT), the Dragon splashed down in the Pacific Ocean loaded with more than 3,800 lbs. (1,700 kilograms) of cargo.  NASA astronaut Randy Bresnik and the European Space Agency’s Paolo Nespoli released the Dragon from the Harmony module early this morning, at 4:47 a.m. EDT (0847 GMT), using the Canadarm2 robotic arm. The Dragon then fired its thrusters to separate from the space station.

Headline #3: RIP, Cassini: Twenty-Five Spellbinding Saturn Images From NASA’s Self-Sacrificing Probe

Synopsis: The Cassini-Huygens spacecraft has spent nearly two decades in space collecting invaluable data and unprecedented close-ups of the Saturnian system. The craft has logged nearly 5 billion miles on its cosmic odometer, and the library of Cassini images contains more than 400,000 images and counting. From the drawing board onward, the Cassini mission was set to be one of the most ambitious unmanned missions ever launched into the cosmos. Tricked out with 18 unique scientific instruments, the spacecraft hit the launchpad at a not-so-svelte 12,593 pounds, making Cassini one of the heaviest and largest interplanetary probes ever constructed. In fact, only the two interplanetary spacecraft (Phobos 1 and Phobos 2) launched by the Soviet Union were more massive.

Headline #4: UFOs Spotted in the Sky Above Cessnock and Singleton

Synopsis: Dozens of unusual lights have been spotted in the night sky south-west of Cessnock and north towards Singleton. The sighting has raised questions about whether the strange craft were UFOs, military aircraft or something else. The man who spotted the lights captured them on video. The man, who did not want to be named, first saw the lights while out on his deck, calling his dog in. He lives in an area surrounded by bush and state forest near the Watagan Mountains, not far from the Laguna area.

Headline #5: UFO Sighting in Gracefield, Quebec, Canada

Synopsis: After having dinner with my family I went to throw out some garbage and went for a walk; I went towards an empty camp that is near our property and proceeded to turn around and when I got to the end of the lane, I looked up and saw what appeared to be a star, but it was much too early and there were no other stars out — the sky was still quite bright; I walked back to my cottage while keeping and eye on it and made sure not to lose it in the trees; when I got back to the cottage I grabbed my telescope and told my dad to bring out his phone–it has a  GPS and skymap feature on it, to see if we could identify it; when I looked through the telescope lens, I saw a perfectly round disc-object which was translucent.

Headline #6: UFO Sighting in Salt Lake City, Utah

Synopsis: I was in line for a ride called the “Zippr” at the Utah State Fair Park; when I looked up at the ride, I noticed in the corner of my eye there was a slow moving yellow ball leaving a fire-like trail behind it and at first I thought it was a comet; my phone was out of battery at the time, so I told my older brother to take a video of it and he pulled his phone but he said he couldn’t see it…so I moved forward in the line a bit and saw it had moved behind a pavilion–so he stood where I showed him you could see this and took the video–there, I saw it split up from one fireball thing into four smaller one; other strangers also noticed this as well.

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