Here is the UFO Headline News for Friday September 1st, 2017

UFO Headline News | Daily UFO News Podcast - Powered by Inception Radio Network

Headline #1: Texas Faces Long Recovery From Harvey

Synopsis: Houston (AP) – As floodwaters recede, Houston officials have started turning their attention to finding temporary housing for those in shelters and getting enough gasoline for people to fill up cars. Authorities on Thursday increased the toll of Harvey-related deaths to 39, and the Texas Department of Public Safety said more than 37,000 homes were heavily damaged and nearly 7,000 were destroyed. About 325,000 people has already sought federal emergency aid, and FEMA officials said more than $57 million in individual assistance has been paid out thus far.

Headline #2: Pluto In Moon’s Direction on September 1st

Synopsis: Tonight – September 1, 2017 – finds both the moon and the dwarf planet Pluto in front of the constellation Sagittarius the Archer. Will you see Pluto near tonight’s waxing gibbous moon? No way. It’ll be difficult enough to spot the 3rd-magnitude star Albaldah (Pi Sagittarii) in the moon’s glare, or the Teapot asterism to the south of the moon. Both the star Albaldah and the Teapot are easily visible in a dark country sky on a moonless night. Pluto, on the other hand, is nearly 2,000 times fainter than the faintest star that’s visible to the unaided eye. But you can use tonight’s moon to get a ballpark idea of Pluto’s place in the starry sky.

Headline #3: NASA Television To Air Return of International Space Station Crew

Synopsis: Record-breaking NASA astronaut Peggy Whitson and her Expedition 52 crewmates are scheduled to depart the International Space Station and return to Earth Saturday, Sept. 2. NASA Television and the agency’s website will provide complete coverage of their departure and landing. Whitson, fellow Expedition 52 Flight Engineer Jack Fischer of NASA and Commander Fyodor Yurchikhin of the Russian space agency Roscosmos will undock their Soyuz MS-04 spacecraft from the space station at 5:58 p.m. EDT and land in Kazakhstan at 9:22 p.m. (7:22 a.m. Sept. 3, Kazakhstan time). On Friday, Yurchikhin will hand over station command to NASA’s Randy Bresnik.

Headline #4: UFO Sighting in Bendorf, Rhineland-Palitinate, Germany

Synopsis: I was driving and this bright fireworks-like shine got my attention; I soon realised it had to be something else, because there were no explosions to see, and helicopters would never be able to fly that close to each other… I saw about 20 to 30 lights–pulsing in the sky–hovering amongst themselves… doing some weird formations and slowly disappearing behind each other…

Headline #5: Triangular Craft With Light Cluster Over Risby, Suffolk-13th August 2017

Synopsis: I was looking up through my open window last night to see the Perseid meteor shower when something caught my eye; it looked like a dark shadow at first, then a cluster of dim white lights appeared within it–but lots of them–and in the shape of a loose triangle or wing shape; the lights were static, but moved seamlessly with the shadowy object, if that makes sense? Ball park, I’d say there were about fifty of these clustered lights.

Headline #6: Black Triangle Sighting in Edgewood, Maryland

Synopsis: I had just walked out from buying a pizza; I started to my car–and realized I needed something to drink, so I put my pizza in the car, then turned to go to the grocery store, when a glowing yellow-orange object caught my attention; it appeared to be fire-like, but no flames; I observed the object move at a very slow pace, no noise or rotors–so slow that if it were a plane it would have stalled–it had no blinking lights and the whole object glowed a solid color.

Headline #7: UFO Sighting in Hernando, Mississippi

Synopsis: I was traveling on the Interstate 55 north-bound on my way to work in Memphis when I first noticed the lights in the sky, about half a mile up ahead on the east side of the Interstate; as I got closer the lights just stayed there and did not move–it seemed as if the lights where attached to an object that was stationary and not moving–they were about 100 feet above tree top level.

Headline #8: Black Triangle Sighting in Gunnison, Colorado

Synopsis: (1.) Driving west to the front range of Colorado on I-70 west. (2.) Out of the corner of my eye! (3.) I have excellent peripheral vision and I saw them out of the corner of my eye–when I looked to my left, I saw two perfect triangles; I thought they were fighter jets, but I’ve never seen perfectly triangular fighter jets, and we were nowhere close to a base.

Headline #9: UFO Sighting in Hayward, California

Synopsis:  Observing the sky from the rear deck of my house, using a good pair of 7×50 binoculars, the object appeared from the northwest, travelling at medium speed; this object appeared to brighten then dim, several times becoming invisible–then becoming visible–then becoming dimmer, then very bright again; there was no regular sequence to the “bright and dim”…

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