Paranormal Research Team Seeks to Understand the Paranormal

Friday, September 22nd, 2017 at 11 pm EDT, Paraversal Universe Radio’s au courant couple of the para-weird, Kevin and Jennifer Malek as they welcome back Paranormal Investigator Sister Liza Segleau (RCC) from the Great Lakes Paranormal Research Team based out of Milwaukee Wisconsin.


Liza Segleau | Religious Sister Seeks to Understand the Paranormal

Liza Segleau is the director of the Great Lakes Paranormal Research Team. She has had a passion for helping those in fear. She works to understand the paranormal and be able to offer options to the client so they can work on resolving the issue. By profession, Liza is a social worker and enjoys interacting with people and getting to know and understand their needs.

​Liza has very much enjoyed working with Great Lakes Paranormal.

“I am very proud of each of my team members. They truly put their all into helping those in fear due to possible paranormal problems. ”
– Liza Segleau

All About the Great Lakes Paranormal Research Team

All About the Great Lakes Paranormal Research Team

Our Mission:

To seek and grow, through science, in our understanding of the paranormal. To increase our knowledge and help reduce fear. To find logical explanations for strange events. To give professional support and guidance to individuals, families and businesses affected by possible paranormal events.

Our Vision:

To be able to eventually gather all data collected nationwide, research the findings from all our teams to better able to define, understand and seek more concrete solutions (when needed) to paranormal events that can be disruptive to everyday life.


GLPRT uses scientific methods only: Formulation of a question, Hypothesis, Prediction, Testing, and final Analysis. This means we work to gather, record and measure the data received by our instruments and evaluate the data to see what it tells us.

Team approach:

We value the skill that each team member brings. We depend on every member to make things go smoothly. Time, talent and availability are highly appreciated. We maintain good communication among us and our clients. We are attentive to each other’s needs. We are good at listening to one another and work towards putting a plan of action together for our clients in need.

Our investigators never work alone, always in teams of two or more. This is due to safety and research needs.

We do not do cleansings, prayers, blessings or other rituals to remove the problem. We will however, provide support and resources for the client to choose from and decide for themselves the best way to solve the issue. We will continue to be of support to you and your family until things are resolved.

All our work from start to finish is completely and always FREE OF CHARGE. It is unethical to charge for any paranormal investigations. –

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