Here is the UFO Headline News for the Weekend of Saturday August 19th, and Sunday August 20th, 2017

UFO Headline News | Daily UFO News Podcast - Powered by Inception Radio Network

Headline #1: Oregon Wildfire Causes Evacuations In Prime Eclipse Zone

Synopsis: Portland, Ore. (AP) – Residents of more than 400 homes in a prime eclipse-viewing location in Oregon were ordered to evacuate Friday because of a rapidly growing wildfire that had already closed access to a portion of a wilderness area and a regional highway. The late afternoon order threatened to create more tie-ups on rural and narrow roads already expected to be burdened with up to 200,000 visitors coming to the area from all over the world to watch Monday’s total solar eclipse. About 1 million people are expected in Oregon, where the moon’s shadow first makes landfall in the continental U.S.

Headline #2: Total Solar Eclipse 2017: Tips For Safe Viewing!

Synopsis: Wherever you are in the United States on Aug. 21, you may want to look up and watch as the sun goes dark, with the moon casting a shadow across the country. Any astronomer in the U.S. would suggest that you take advantage of this rare opportunity but not to do so without proper eye protection. And sunglasses won’t do. The brief total phase of a solar eclipse — when the moon entirely covers the sun’s beaming face — will occur on Aug. 21 and will last for no longer than 2 minutes and 40 seconds, according to NASA.

Headline #3: Total Solar Eclipse 2017: Six Bizarre Things That Will Happen

Synopsis: While there are many superstitions about eclipses, there are also a lot of weird things that happen during an eclipse that are completely real — and super cool. Here are six incredible things to look for during the eclipse on August 21st!

Headline #4: East Beach Association and Experts in Connecticut Puzzled Over Object in Sea Floor

Synopsis: Westerly — Lodged underwater about ten feet off the shoreline at low tide at East Beach is a mysterious circular metal object with stainless steel legs that are capped with concrete. It is prompting both intrigue as to its provenance and concern because it presents a hazard to swimmers and body surfers. Whatever the object is, one thing is clear — it’s very heavy as it appears to stay in place, as if rooted to the bottom of the sea, despite the considerable force of the surf. Peter Brockmann, who is president of the East Beach Association, which cares for the beach, said the association now thinks the object was first discovered last summer but could not be found after an initial spotting. If that’s true, it has withstood a year’s worth of tidal changes, waves, and storms.

Headline #5: Archaeologists Discover A ‘Little Pompeii’ In Southern France

Synopsis: Sainte-Colombe, France (Reuters) – French archaeologists have unearthed the ruins of a Roman settlement in southern France that was deserted by its inhabitants after fires that ultimately helped preserve the site now being dubbed “Little Pompeii”. The site on the banks of the Rhone near the town of Vienne, discovered on land earmarked for a new apartment complex, has revealed luxury homes, mosaics and items of furniture that date back to the 1st century AD. Ash from the fires helped preserve the ruins, just as the Roman city of Pompeii was largely preserved after being buried in volcanic ash from Mount Vesuvius.

Headline #6: Evolution Gave Ancient Beast A Weird Face Because It Kept Ramming Into Stuff

Synopsis: Moschops capensis was a weird looking animal. When it roamed the Earth some 260 million years ago its goofy stance and wide body would have caught your eye from a distance, and that’s even before you noticed its almost comical face. Scientists have been working hard to determine why its tiny brain was protected by such a thick, flat, elongated skull, and new research seems to point to the answer: Moschops capensis really, really loved slamming its head into stuff.

Headline #7: Watch As Bizarre UFOs ‘Fly Over Crop Circles’ In Extraordinary Footage

Synopsis: Pierre Beake has spent years investigating crop circles in the south west of England, and is convinced they are a paranormal phenomenon, that cannot all be the work of hoaxers. Mr. Beake, who travels from France to investigate the activity, claims to have captured mysterious balls of light (BOLs) on video camera shooting at speed across Milk Hill in Wiltshire, a reknowned crop circle site. He has also captured several alleged BOLs on still camera around crop circles.

Headline #8: UFO Sighting in Tobyhanna, Pennsylvania

Synopsis: (1.) I was having a cigarette out on my deck…I usually have one as the sun is setting or just after (2.) I was checking out the stars on this beautiful, crisp clear August night (3.) I thought it was a star and looked away several times, and then looked back to make sure I saw what I was seeing. (4.) straight line–no sound–but solid white or yellow color…moving from due south to north (5.) I felt dizzy after, but probably just from nerves, seeing what I saw. 


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