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UFO Headline News Wednesday August 9th, 2017

Here is the UFO Headline News for Wednesday August 9th, 2017

Headline #1: Big Dipper to Polaris, Mizar, Alcor Tonight

Synopsis: Tonight, notice the two outer stars in the bowl of the Big Dipper – Dubhe and Merak. They always point to Polaris, the North Star. And Polaris is part of the Little Dipper. See these two famous star patterns tonight! To find the Dipper at this time of year, look toward the northwest in the evening. The Big Dipper consists of seven moderately-bright stars, so it’s often visible on a moonlit night or from a light-polluted city. If you have a dark night free of moonlight – like those coming up – you can see the eighth star of the Big Dipper. Look carefully at the second star from the end of the Dipper’s handle. With a dark sky and good eyesight, you’ll see that this star, Mizar, has a nearby companion, called Alcor.

Headline #2: ‘Slooh’ to Offer Free Live-Streaming of Outer Space

Synopsis: The online streaming service that specializes in outer space, Slooh, just announced that it will be offering free streaming of planetary objects and astronomical phenomena. Previously, to view objects in the sky through Slooh’s telescopes and streaming service, you had to sign up as a member on its website, which would run you $5 per month. Slooh operates a global network of telescopes, including multiple on Mount Teide of the Canary Islands and three in La Dehesa, Chile, two locations that have some of the best viewing conditions in the world. Slooh also partners with other observatories around the planet to livestream astronomy events through state-of-the-art telescopes. To watch Slooh’s livestreams, simply register for free on its website. You will be asked if you want to pay for a membership, but you can just click “Continue Exploring the Community” to gain access to the livestreams, blog posts, and images featured on Slooh.

Headline #3: UFO Sighting in Munich, Bavaria, Germany

Synopsis: A friend and me looking out of the windows, noticed four lights–they looked in best case as airplane warning lights from a big radio antenna which stands in the next nearer city–except they were all white–at the start of our sighting, only the third light, counted from above blinked constantly; an hour or so later, only the second light, counted from above, blinked constantly and we noticed no further movements or sounds.

Headline #4: UFO Sighting in Morrison, Colorado

Synopsis: We have just moved to Colorado and wanted to visit the Red Rocks area, so on the way to the Amphitheatre, I had the passenger-side window rolled down and I was taking pictures from my cell phone; I was taking random pictures of the mountains in the distance because I liked the way the clouds were hanging over the mountains–it wasn’t until we got home and I was looking through all of our pictures that I noticed a very bizarre-looking circular object in one of our pictures.

Headline #5: 1981-1991: Russian Cosmonauts and Generals Confirm: UFOs/Aliens Are Real   Part I

Synopsis: During his lecture at the International UFO Congress in Laughlin/NV on March 6, 2002, Michael Hesemann presented filmed interviews with four Soviet Cosmonauts and four high-ranking Soviet Generals. After he received numerous request for transcripts, here is the translation of their statements:  “Many cosmonauts have seen phenomena which are far beyond the experiences of earthmen. For ten years I never spoke on such things. The encounter you asked me about happened on May 5, 1981, at about 6 PM, during the Saljut Mission. At that time we were over the area of South Africa, moving towards the area of the Indian ocean. I just made some gymnastic exercises, when I saw in front of me, through a porthole, an object which I could not explain.”

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The post UFO Headline News Wednesday August 9th, 2017 appeared first on Inception Radio Network | UFO & Paranormal Talk Radio.

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