Here is the UFO Headline News for Wednesday August 30th, 2017

UFO Headline News | Daily UFO News Podcast - Powered by Inception Radio Network

Headline #1: Harvey Swamps Evacuee Shelter On Texas/Louisiana Border

Synopsis: Houston—A sodden Texas coastal community was becoming increasingly isolated Wednesday, as Harvey-fed rains flooded most major roadways leading out of the city and swamped a shelter for those displaced by the storm that ravaged the Houston area. Jefferson County sheriff’s deputy Marcus McLellan said he wasn’t sure where the 100 or so evacuees at the Bowers Civic Center in Port Arthur would be sent. Most of them were perched on bleacher seats to stay dry, their belongings largely stranded on the shelter floor below them under about a foot of water, he said. “People started coming to the shelter on Monday,” McLellan said. “And now it’s just all the rainfall that’s coming in, and there’s a canal by there also that’s overflowing.”

Headline #2: Closest “Far-Moon” of 2017 Tonight!

Synopsis: Tonight – August 30, 2017 – the moon is quite close to the planet Saturn on the sky’s dome, and it’s also at or near apogee – the moon’s farthest point from Earth in its monthly orbit. The apogee on August 30, 2017, has the distinction of being the closest apogee of 2017, making tonight’s moon the closest far-moon of 2017. Wait … what? Closest far-moon. Yes, on August 30, 2017, at 11:25 UTC, the moon reaches apogee – its most distant point in its monthly orbit. But this apogee is the closest of the 13 lunar apogees that occur in 2017.

Headline #3: UFO Sightings of Hudson Valley Part II: Incident At Indian Point; Plus Exclusive Interview: Eyewitness at Twin Lakes

Synopsis:The Indian Point nuclear reactor complex lies on the shore of the Hudson River in the town of Buchanan, New York in Westchester county. There are two reactor plants on the site each separated only by a fence. One site belongs to Consolidated Edison Electric company and the other is operated by the New York Power Authority (NYPA). The two plants have always been controversial and area residents have tried to shut down operations at both plants for the past ten years. At present, the only reactor in operation is site Number 3 of the NYPA. It is here that an incredible incident with an object that was not of this world would take place.

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