Here is the UFO Headline News for Wednesday August 23rd, 2017

UFO Headline News | Daily UFO News Podcast - Powered by Inception Radio Network

Headline #1: Young Moon Low In West After Sunset

Synopsis: Tonight – August 23, 2017 – go young moon hunting. It might be your first glimpse of the moon since Monday’s eclipse, or you might have seen the moon last night. Look for the slender waxing crescent moon low in your western sky at dusk and nightfall. The bright object nearby is a planet, Jupiter. Just don’t delay. The moon will follow the sun beneath the horizon by nightfall or early evening. Click here to find out the moon’s setting time in your sky, remembering to check the moonrise and moonset box.

Headline #2: UFO Sighting in London, Ontario, Canada

Synopsis: Our family dog was acting strange from about midnight on, just like he does when there is a thunderstorm outside–he will shake and act erratically and often pant quite heavily–( there was no thunder storm it was a mostly clear night) I got up to take him outside and decided I too would go out and watch him from the patio; immediately I noticed the bright light and thought it was a low flying airplane, but it wasn’t moving towards or flying over us, so now I’m thinking it is a helicopter but there is no noise from any type of engine and it appeared to be hovering higher than a helicopter would.

Headline #3: UFO Sighting in Olathe, Kansas

Synopsis: I went into the back yard of my house around 9:40 p.m Saturday night, August 12th in hope of seeing a meteor during the Perseid meteor shower and after staring into the northeast sky for a short while, I saw a brief, bright white flash about the size of a planet; afterward I could faintly see two star-like objects but after a few seconds they disappeared; however approximately 30 seconds later there was another brief bright flash in the same location and once again I could faintly discern two star-like objects–suddenly, one of the objects accelerated to an incredible speed and disappeared from view to the southwest.

Headline #4: UFO Sighting in Brentwood, California

Synopsis: My husband and I were on the phone talking in our family room at about 8:30 or so on August 20th, when I glanced at the kitchen window, which overlooks the eastern hills toward Brentwood; I saw a bright red glowing object hovering over the hills and initially thought it was an airplane or radio beacon, but the object suddenly grew larger and then disappeared–then a split second later, it reappeared in an entirely different location in the sky–this happened several times so I then walked over to the window to get a closer look and told my husband that I thought I was seeing a UFO!

Headline #5: The UFO Sightings of The Hudson Valley, New York   Part I

Synopsis: The quiet beauty of New York’s Hudson River Valley is home to upscale professionals and retirees. They tend to be well-educated and cosmopolitan, hardly the type of people one would expect to be swept up by UFO fever. Yet, that’s exactly what happened to more than 5,000 residents between 1983 and 1986. Ultimately, the entire episode was largely dismissed as a hoax perpetrated by a group of local stunt pilots. However, to this day, many of the eyewitnesses maintain that what they saw could not have been a handful of airplanes.

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