Here is the UFO Headline News for Wednesday August 16th, 2017


UFO Headline News | Daily UFO News Podcast - Powered by Inception Radio Network

Headline #1: Constellation Cepheus Looks Like a House

Synopsis: Tonight, see if you can find the constellation Cepheus, which represents a King. This constellation is faint, but its distinctive shape makes it easy to locate if you look in the north on August and September evenings. At nightfall Cepheus appears to the upper right of Polaris, the North Star. Then this constellation rotates around Polaris in a counter-clockwise direction during the night. It swings high over Polaris after midnight, and then sweeps to the left side of Polaris around dawn. Cepheus resembles the stick house we all drew as children – and that children today still draw – with a square for the base and a triangle for the roof. In the case of Cepheus, the tip of the roof (a star known as Gamma Cephei, or Errai) points generally northward.

Headline #2: SpaceX Successfully Launches and Recovers Falcon 9 For CRS-12

Synopsis: SpaceX has successfully launched yet another rocket, this one carrying a Dragon capsule loaded with over 6,400 pounds of cargo destined for the International Space Station. That makes an even dozen for ISS resupply missions launched by SpaceX under contract to NASA, and this is the most significant thus far in terms of potential scientific impact. CRS-12’s payload was over 75 percent committed to hauling equipment and material for experiments and scientific research, which is more than on any other previous mission.

Headline #3:  A Tasty Treat Is On It’s Way To Astronauts Aboard The ISS

Synopsis: Astronauts aboard the International Space Station (ISS) are about to take delivery of goods from a Dragon capsule following another successful rocket launch by SpaceX at the Kennedy Space Center in Florida on Monday. This particular 6,400-pound delivery contains a bundle of science experiments that include a number of live mice. But the astronauts probably have their mind set on something else that’s been packed inside the capsule. Something cold, sweet, and really rather tasty. Something they don’t get much of in space. We’re talking ice cream!

Headline #4: UFO 1930 — An Alabama Family Account/Cheryl Costa

Synopsis: During the four years I’ve been writing this blog, I’ve noted that some UFO sighting sighting accounts seem to be handed down within families like family heirlooms. A particular 1930 account caught my eye because of its heritage aspect. The UFO sighting account happened in the town of Waterloo, Ala., in Lauderdale County in late fall of 1930. First, some background: Lauderdale County was named in honor of Colonel James Lauderdale, of Tennessee. Lauderdale County is located in the Northwestern corner of Alabama, which borders Tennessee to the north and Mississippi to the west. According to the census the county has an ancestral mix mostly rooted from all over the British Isles and, of course, Africa.

Headline #5: UFO Sighting in Erie, Pennsylvania

Synopsis: It was in 1975: the beginning of November–a Thursday night, (a school night) and I was settling down to watch “Barney Miller”, a sitcom; we had a large bay window in our front room and I was distracted by what looked to me like headlights shining through the bay window, and I thought to myself ‘Who would be on the gas line trail this time of night?’ ( it was a popular 4 wheeler trail and snowmobile trail) however there wasn’t any snow on the ground, so I got up to see what was going on…

Headline #6: Russian Cosmonauts And Generals Confirm: UFOs Are Real — Part II

Synopsis: ‘If we are speaking about my military capacity, it was in the 1980s when I happened to be serving not in a regular unit, but in the central staff. Work in the central staff entails close links with the units in the field and a large amount of travelling. There were many reports from unit level regarding a large number of observations of unexplained phenomena. You should bear in mind that at that time much was simply denied. The subject was to a large extent a closed one. On the ground, however, people wanted to find out what was what, to separate truth from fiction. In that period a lot of things were presented in such a way that you lost the desire to believe.’  Major General Vasily Alexeyev, Russian Air Force Space Communications Center Moscow

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