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UFO Headline News Thursday August 31st, 2017

Here is the UFO Headline News for Thursday August 31st, 2017

Headline #1: Blasts Rock Texas Chemical Plant As Most Danger Moves East

Synopsis: Houston (AP) — Fires and two explosions rocked a flooded Houston-area chemical plant early Thursday, sending up a plume that federal authorities described as “incredibly dangerous” and adding a potential new hazard to the aftermath of Harvey. The blasts at the Arkema Inc. plant, about 25 miles (40 kilometers) northeast of Houston, also ignited a 30- to 40-foot flame. The French operator of the plant said up to eight more chemical containers could burn and explode. Local officials insisted that the explosion produced no toxins. The blasts happened as floodwaters from days of relentless rain began to recede and the threat of major dangers from the storm shifted to a region near the Texas-Louisiana line.

Headline #2: Asteroid 3122 Florence Is Coming

Synopsis: The next attraction coming up in our skies might be an asteroid big enough to be seen in small telescopes, and maybe even in binoculars, as a small, very slow-moving “star.” Asteroid 1981 ET3 – also known as 3122 Florence – is a huge space rock at least 2.7 miles (4.35 km) in diameter. According to Paul Chodas at the Center for Near Earth Object Studies: “Florence is the largest asteroid to pass this close to our planet since the first near-Earth asteroid was discovered over a century ago.” Asteroid 3122 Florence will safely pass by our planet on September 1, 2017 at over 18 times the Earth-moon distance. The asteroid will not be visible to the unaided eye. It will, however, become visible in small amateur telescopes by late August, in the course of what will become the closest encounter to Earth by this asteroid since 1890.

Headline #3: Mysterious Signal From Deep Space Goes Hyperactive

Synopsis: The unexplained signals from the other side of the universe known as fast radio bursts are a rarely observed phenomenon and only one of them has been picked up more than once. Now scientists engaged in the search for extraterrestrial intelligence say that lone repeating fast radio burst (FRB) is being heard twittering away. FRBs are bright, millisecond-long pulses of radio signals from beyond the Milky Way that were first identified only a decade ago. Suggested explanations include everything from neutron star outbursts to alien civilizations using some form of directed energy to propel a spacecraft.

Headline #4: UFOs Flying Dark by Linda Zimmerman

Synopsis: “Lights in the sky” sightings easily comprise the majority of UFO sightings, and have just as easily been dismissed by skeptics as bright stars and planets, conventional aircraft, and—dare I say it?—swamp gas. Now, there is a new bane of a ufologist’s existence—drones. Every kid with an LED-covered quadcopter can spark a viral “UFO” video, even further muddying the already murky waters of “lights in the sky” cases. The subject of “Dark UFOs” came up recently when I interviewed Lorraine M. about her early 1980s sighting in Putnam County, NY, which was the scene of a major flap in the Hudson Valley which lasted several years.

Headline #5: UFO Sighting in Mission Viejo, California

Synopsis: The sky was totally clear, as it usually is here; I was lying in bed, listening to music and trying to go to sleep; I don’t know what made me notice it–one moment I was just lying there, the next my gaze was glued to the object–it was rather far away from me and high in the sky–but big– around two or three times the size of what Venus looks like in the night sky and it moved in a steady and somewhat fast line, going down towards the horizon; it looked just like a normal star, but huge and moving; the oddest part, though, was the emotional response it elicited from me.

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