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UFO Headline News Thursday August 10th,2017

Here is the UFO Headline News for Thursday August 10th,2017

Headline #1: How To Watch 2017’s Perseid Meteors Tonight

Synopsis: Tonight – August 10, 2017 – it’s time to start watching the Perseid meteor shower, which peaks this weekend. Unfortunately, the waning gibbous moon is in the way during the predawn hours, when the meteors are normally flying most abundantly! But Perseid meteors tend to be bright. The brighter ones may well overcome the moonlit glare. Which dates are best? We anticipate on the mornings of August 12 and 13, but try tomorrow morning (August 11), too. The tips below can help you enjoy. By the way, there’s a rumor going around that 2017’s Perseid meteor shower will be the best in 96 years. It’s not true.

Headline #2: New Horizons’ Next Target Is Starting To Look a Little Weird

Synopsis: In less than 17 months NASA’s New Horizons spacecraft will make a close proximity pass of the ancient Kuiper belt object (KBO) 2014 MU69, marking what will be the most remote flyby in the history of robotic space exploration. In preparation for the pass, a team of scientists has completed an ambitious set of observations that have shed light on the possible shapes of the KBO. An analysis of images snapped during the stellar occultations has revealed a number of potential configurations for 2014 MU69. The KBO could be shaped like an “extreme prolate spheroid” (a stretched out American football), or even two separate bodies, that either orbit incredibly close to one another, or are actually touching. It could also look like a single body with a sizable chunk removed. 

Headline #3: UFOs: Belief Vs. Knowledge/Cheryl Costa

Synopsis: Over the four years of this blog’s existence, I’ve been asked repeatedly by fans and reporters whether or not I “believe in UFOs.” I am of the opinion that a person’s outlook on UFOs should not be put in the context of “belief.” I think the whole thing comes down to belief vs. knowledge. In many societies we frequently associate belief with blind faith acceptance. Traditionally this sort of conviction usually falls into the category of dogmatic religious doctrine. You either believe or accept the doctrine, or you don’t. It seems that we as human beings have been conditioned to make character judgements about one religious faith or another.

Headline #4: New Survey Shows Nearly Half of Americans ‘Believe in Aliens’

Synopsis: Nearly half of Americans believe in aliens, and almost as many believe aliens are visiting earth, according to a new survey. However, less than 20% believe in alien abduction, and a bit less than that claim to have seen a UFO. 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment commissioned the survey as part of their promotional campaign for the blu-ray release of the movie Phoenix Forgotten. More than 1700 Americans were surveyed. Phoenix Forgotten is a found footage sci-fi thriller that is set during a famous mass UFO sighting in Phoenix, Arizona in 1997 that is referred to as ‘The Phoenix Lights.’… “The Phoenix Lights phenomenon of March 13th, 1997 led us to introduce a survey to find out what Americans believe about aliens,” a rep from 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment told “From our survey, we found that nearly half (47%) believe in aliens but less than a fifth think they’ve ever seen a UFO or alien themselves.”

Headline #5: UFO Sighting in Newcastle-Upon-Tyne, England, United Kingdom

Synopsis: I was on my phone in one of the bedrooms of my house when I saw a black egg or oval-shaped dot in the distance; although not necessarily nearby, there was an aeroplane directly below it; I saw this object out the corner of my eye–I wasn’t looking for anything in the sky at all–when I first noticed the object I assumed it was a drone because of its movements, however the object was sighted nearby to the local airport, thus making a drone illegal in this area.

Headline #6: UFO Sighting in Steinbach, Manitoba, Canada

Synopsis: Walking the dogs– was super obvious– just looked up–I thought this object was ‘not supposed to be up there’; I looked up and saw a large round hazy white light going north… brighter in the middle, then diffusing light nearing the edges…a perfectly round light…hazy–but in a clear sky–no clouds; speed approximately the same as a satellite.. no sound.. didn’t waver in speed or direction.

Headline #7: UFO Sighting in Yellowknife, Northwest Territories, Canada

Synopsis: I was out taking pictures of the Northern Lights when I saw two very bright lights over my shoulder, so I took my camera and tried to get shots of them on my camera before they disappeared–both lights were flying in formation and then one of them started to get ahead of the other one–and then at that point, the one that was falling behind started to speed up and the first light went out, and when the second light got to where the first one went out, it also disappeared.

Headline #8: UFO Sighting in Stockton, California

Synopsis: I was taking photos of the full moon when I noticed a black object flying toward the moon and into my shot–it made no sound and had no lights–it flew from left to right then down, then hovered, then back to the left; when I got home and dumped the photos onto my computer I noticed that there were actually 3 objects in the photos.

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The post UFO Headline News Thursday August 10th,2017 appeared first on Inception Radio Network | UFO & Paranormal Talk Radio.

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