Womb Awakening

Monday, August 14th, 2017 at 6 pm EDT, Keith Anthony Blanchard of Center of Light Radio returns with Dr. Azra Bertrand, M.D. to share his view how we can view the holographic blueprint of the Womb of Creation, our spiritual Womb.

A paradigm-shattering new science of the sacred feminine is being birthed. Menstrual stem cells, telepathy, the mother consciousness of the cerebellum, epigenetics of love, Akashic memory, quantum coherence fields of sacred relationship … Our bodies, and the world of physical matter, contain the deepest magic – and this is now being proven by modern science. Come learn about this beautiful new world of possibility, as explored in the new “Womb Awakening” book.


Azra Bertrand | Womb Awakening: Wisdom from the Creatrix of All Life

Azra Bertrand, MD is founder and director of The Fountain of Life Grail Mystery School, and co-author of the groundbreaking new book “Womb Awakening: Initiatory Wisdom from the Creatrix of All Life” along with his wife Seren Bertrand. The Womb Awakening book has been described by New York Times bestselling authors as a “masterwork of beauty, power and mystical truth”, a “mystery school in a book” and a “magical sacred feminine transmission.”

Azra graduated from Duke University School of Medicine, and has been a pioneering doctor, alchemical scientist, and spiritual guide for 20 years. He is an evolutionary enchanter, dedicated to helping women awaken their Womb Power and to assisting the rebirth of the masculine into his true gifts, uniting them both in Sacred Union. Immersed in the study and shamanic practice of Womb Consciousness, he draws on rich veins of wisdom from many traditions, and has assisted over 25,000 people to heal on a physical, emotional and spiritual level.

Womb Awakening: Initiatory Wisdom from the Creatrix of All Life

Womb Awakening: Initiatory Wisdom from the Creatrix of All Life by Dr. Azra Bertrand

Rediscover the lost ancient mystery teachings of the Cosmic Womb

• Explains how each of us has a holographic blueprint of the Womb of Creation, our spiritual Womb

• Offers practices to help awaken your spiritual Womb, experience the Womb of God within, and activate the Womb’s sacred magic of creation and manifestation

• Looks at the power of the moon and its connection to sacred Womb Consciousness

• Explores how the lost Womb mystery teachings were encoded in folk and fairy tales, the legends of the Holy Grail, and the traditions of Mary Magdalene and Sophia

• Includes access to three guided Womb Awakening audio journeys

The Ancients lived by a feminine cosmology of creation, where everything was birthed and dissolved through a sacred universal Womb. Within each of us, whether female or male, lies a holographic blueprint of this Womb of Creation, connecting us to the Web of Life. By awakening your spiritual Womb, the holy of holies within the temple of your body, you can reconnect to the transformative energy of Womb Consciousness and reclaim your sacred powers of creation and love.

Drawing on mythical and spiritual traditions from almost every culture, Dr. Azra and Seren Bertrand reconstruct the moon-based feminine mystery teachings of a lost global Womb religion, tracing the tradition all the way back to the Neanderthals and beyond. They explore how these teachings were encoded in the symbolism of folk and fairy tales; the legends of the Holy Grail; the traditions of Mary Magdalene and Sophia; the maiden, queen, and crone archetypes; and the teachings of alchemy and the chakras. They show how sages and shamans across the globe all secretly spoke of the Cosmic Womb and the sacred creative powers of Moon Blood. The authors look at the power of the Moon and its connection to sacred Womb Consciousness, offering meditations and practices to help awaken your spiritual Womb and activate its sacred magic of creation and manifestation. They explain how to activate the energetic gateways of the Womb and merge the heart and Womb to make sexual union the highest sacrament of love. Access is also provided to 3 audio journeys.

Revealing how we must reconnect with the Divine Feminine to rebirth the Divine Masculine and restore balance to our world, they show how, as we reawaken the powerful ancient path of the Womb Mysteries, we help return our world to harmony with the wild, untamed creative flows and cyclical rhythms of the cosmos. – Get the Book!

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The post Azra Bertrand appeared first on Inception Radio Network | UFO & Paranormal Talk Radio.