Here is the UFO Headline News for Thursday July 27th, 2017

UFO Headline News | Daily UFO News Podcast - Powered by Inception Radio Network

Headline #1: Go Someplace Dark and Watch Meteors!

Synopsis: Tonight – July 27, 2017 – and in the coming nights, treat yourself to one of nature’s spectacles. Every year, people look forward to the August Perseid meteor shower. And it’s wonderful, with regular rates of about 60 meteors per hour at its peak. The Perseids are gearing up even now, so if you go outside between midnight and dawn tonight or this weekend, you might see some. But there’s another meteor shower happening now, too. It’s the Delta Aquarid meteor shower. The Delta Aquarids don’t have as definite a peak as the Perseids. Instead, the shower produces a steady supply of meteors for some weeks in late July and early August. Tonight – or this weekend – are good times to watch because the moon is in a waxing crescent phase. That means the moon now sets in early evening. In other words, we have deliciously dark skies for watching the Delta Aquarids, which are at their best in dark hours before dawn.

Headline #2: There Might Be A Whole Bunch of Water Hiding Inside The Moon

Synopsis: With how much attention humanity has devoted to studying Earth’s moon over the centuries, you’d think we’d have a good handle on just about everything there is to know about our nearest neighbor. Some extremely interesting new research suggests that’s simply not the case, and if the scientific team comprised of researchers from the University of Hawaii as well as Brown holds water, the moon might be a great deal more wet inside than previously thought. Scientists have known for some time that there is at least some water on the moon. However, the complete lack of an atmosphere and the ravages of our sun was blamed for its almost complete depletion. But now, the idea that a greater amount of water might be hiding underneath the moon’s surface is beginning to look quite plausible, and after detecting tiny bits of water encased in volcanic glass within the moon rocks brought back to Earth from the Apollo missions, this new research effort is looking deeper.

Headline #3: After A Year in Space, The Air Hasn’t Gone Out of NASA’s Inflated Module

Synopsis: A prototype of what could be the next generation of space stations is currently in orbit around the Earth. The prototype is unusual. Instead of arriving in space fully assembled, it was folded up and then expanded to its full size once in orbit. The module is called BEAM, the Bigelow Expandable Activity Module, and it has been attached to the International Space Station since April last year. Expandable modules allow NASA to pack a large volume into a smaller space for launch. They’re not made of metal, but instead use tough materials like the Kevlar found in bulletproof vests. The station crew used air pressure to unfold and expand the BEAM, but it’s wrong to think about BEAM as expanding like a balloon that could go “pop” if something punctured it.

Headline #4: Three Massive Orange-Red Balls Hover Low In The Sky

Synopsis: Description: On Tuesday night my girlfriend and I were in our tent in the E-loop of the Maryland State Park of Assateague Island. It was about 10:30 PM when I looked out the side of the tent. There were three massive orange/red balls canted twenty degrees and hovering slowly, low to the ground, but covering all that we could see from inside the tent. I was an Imagery Interpreter in the Air Force, I was trained to identify every aircraft in the world.

Headline #5: UFO Sighting in Arlington, Virginia

Synopsis: It was dusk and I had been outside for about an hour or so observing passing air traffic using my high-powered binoculars; as it was dusk, I started to look for stars and planets, first finding Jupiter (to my west-southwest)–in fact, Jupiter was the only space object I had seen so far on this night–continuing to scan the skies, I turned about 360 degrees to see what I could see and I spotted with my naked eye what appeared to me to be a brighter-than-Jupiter object, and so I took a look through my binoculars; focusing on the object as best I could, reckoned it to be a planet and was going inside to check my astronomy software to try and determine what it was I was observing.

Headline #6: Black Triangle Sighting in Congress, Arizona

Synopsis: My friend has a house on the outskirts of Congress, and from the front yard you can see the Milky Way and a good amount of the stars, there are no city lights; looking up as I was smoking a cigarette, I noticed a light slowly moving across the sky and at first I was thinking it was a satellite, because it seemed too far up to be a plane–plus the light was just a white light and if it hadn’t have moved it would have looked like a star–as I was watching it I noticed another one directly below it, moving in perfect formation; my friend has been on that property and his family before him–he said that stuff doesn’t even phase him anymore, his dad and himself have seen countless unexplained things in the sky there.

Headline #7: UFO Sighting in Dana Point, California

Synopsis: I was working on the Dana Point Headlands Preserve within the city of Dana Point; (my boss was also there but did not witness the event as he was speaking to someone else) I looked up and noticed a black spot–what I first thought was a turkey vulture, circling in the sky to the southeast over the Camp Pendleton Marine Corps Base; I noted the black spot (which I had thought was a turkey vulture) circle to the north and then it traveled into a cloud–and I thought that was odd behavior for a turkey vulture–to fly into a cloud.

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