Here is the UFO Headline News for Monday July 3rd, 2017

UFO Headline News | Daily UFO News Podcast - Powered by Inception Radio Network

Headline #1: Earth Farthest From Sun on July 3rd

Synopsis: Planet Earth reaches a milestone today, its aphelion, or most distant point from the sun. We reach this point on July 3, 2017 at 20:11 UTC. That’s 15:11 (3:11 p.m.) Central Daylight Time in the U.S. Translate to your time zone. Is it hot outside for you on your part of Earth right now? Or cold out? Earth’s aphelion comes in the midst of Northern Hemisphere summer and Southern Hemisphere winter. That should tell you that our distance from the sun doesn’t cause the seasons. The fact is that Earth’s orbit is almost, but not quite, circular.  So our distance from the sun doesn’t change much. Today, we’re about 3 million miles (5 million km) farther from the sun than we will be six months from now. That’s in contrast to our average distance from the sun of about 93 million miles (150 million km). The word aphelion, by the way, comes from the Greek words apo meaning away, off, apart and helios, for the Greek god of the sun.  Apart from the sun. That’s us, today.

Headline #2: SpaceX’s First Re-Flown Dragon Capsule Successfully Returns To Earth

Synopsis: SpaceX has another historic achievement under its belt — being first to re-fly a commercial spacecraft to the International Space Station and back. The Dragon capsule it used on its most recent ISS resupply mission was used during a previous trip to ferry supplies and materials for scientific experiments to the orbital facility. This Dragon capsule originally launched in September 2014, before being refurbished and used again on June 3.  After docking with the ISS around 36 hours after launch, the spacecraft spent about a month at the station, where astronauts unloaded its payload.

Headline #3: Chicken Sandwich Returns To Earth After Balloon Ride to Stratosphere

Synopsis: The chicken has landed, a little earlier than planned. A World View Enterprises stratospheric balloon carrying a KFC chicken sandwich touched down yesterday (June 30), about 17 hours after taking off, World View representatives said. The flight — the first planned long-duration mission of World View’s uncrewed Stratollite vehicle — was scheduled to last four days, but controllers ended it early “due to a small leak in one of the company’s innovative new altitude-control balloon systems,” World View CEO Jane Poynter said in a statement July 1st. “That said, we are extremely pleased with the results of the mission,” Poynter added.

Headline #4: Project Blue Book Origins Part 2/Cheryl Costa

Synopsis: A little after 11 a.m. on Sept. 10, 1951, a U.S. Army radar station at Fort Monmouth detected an unknown, low-altitude target. The signal corps operator and an Army officer in the radar clocked the target with an approximate speed of about 700 miles per hour. The tracking station lost contact with the high-speed target as it neared New York City. The radar tracking event resulted in a great deal of interest, as well as somber military trepidations. For in that era, military jets didn’t fly anywhere near 700 miles per hour. While there were test aircrafts that had brief periods of that sort of speed performance, nothing the military had could fly and maintain that speed. This incident resulted in the Air Force being severely criticized by the other branches of the military. At issue was the Air Force’s dismal handling of investigations related to a potential threat to national security, namely UFOs.

Headline #5: Idaho Witness Says Orb UFOs Joined, Then Disappeared

Synopsis: An Idaho witness at Buhi reported watching three orange-red, rectangle-shaped objects that joined together and disappeared in place, according to testimony in Case 83942 from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database. The event occurred at 10:15 p.m. on May 23, 2017. “Observed three rectangular bars of light that seemed composed of orbs,” the witness stated. “Orange-red in color.” The witness observed the three rectangles moving.” The three bars of light moved smoothly in a horizontal fashion. ”All three lights eventually formed a single light.”

Headline #6: Is This A UFO Over Yorkshire? ‘Crazy Dancing Lights!’

Synopsis: A UFO investigator has captured footage of mysterious dancing lights in the night sky over Yorkshire. The strange phenomenon appears to show a light moving in a circular motion in the sky over Bolton Abbey, North Yorkshire – but the lights are apparently visible across much of the county. The man who captured the footage and wishes to remain anonymous, said: “They are very visible and they are literally everywhere. I am going out again to Bolton Abbey tonight but I’m only using my phone. If you have a decent enough camera you will pick up a lot more.

Headline #7: UFO Sighting in Panama City, Panama

Synopsis: Brightly lit almond-shaped craft, static in the sky in Panama. This object was observed in a direction where no such object has been observed for a whole two years prior to this date. The proximity to buildings provided a reference point: the craft was static.  The object generated it’s own energy source as it was brightly lit. This sighting recalled a previous sighting  in early childhood in South America which was observed by the entire neighborhood and also featured an object which was similarly lit.

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