How to Heal the Hurts We Don’t Deserve

Monday, July 3rd, 2017 at 6 pm EDT, Keith Anthony BlanchardĀ of Center of Light Radio invites author D. Patrick Miller to explain the process of getting over the things that seem to have hurt us most, by learning that it’s always ourselves we are forgiving.


D. Patrick Miller | How to Heal the Hurts We Don't Deserve

If forgiveness was easy, we wouldn’t need it”
D. Patrick Miller is a veteran author with a dozen books to his name, as well as a long history in the book business as an independent publisher, editor, book developer, and literary agent. His 1994 title, A LITTLE BOOK OF FORGIVENESS, was just released in a sixth edition as THE FORGIVENESS BOOK by Hampton Roads Publishing. He has written about a wide variety of spiritual subject matter, including the general topic of “how to be spiritual without being religious,” the subject of his next book from Hampton Roads coming in 2018.


healing the hurts we don’t deserve

THE FORGIVENESS BOOK: healing the hurts we don't deserve by D. Patrick Miller

Forgiveness is the science of the heart; a discipline of discovering all the ways of being that will extend your love to the world and discarding all the ways that will not. This is a book about growing up, becoming whole, connecting to others, and becoming comfortable in one’s own skin. It is inspirational, healing, and programmatic.

Miller explores the facts of forgiveness, including forgiving others, forgiving oneself, and the results of following the path of forgiveness.

Also included is a section on forgiveness exercises (including journaling, making amends, and practicing patience). This is a broadly based spiritual and self-help book. Rooted in the philosophy of A Course in Miracles and drawing from other spiritual teachings (including Christianity, Sufism, Buddhism, the I Ching, and Jungian psychology), The Forgiveness Book is for those interested in spirituality, wholeness, and living a better and more fulfilling life. – Get the Book!

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The post D. Patrick Miller appeared first on Inception Radio Network | UFO & Paranormal Talk Radio.