Here is the UFO Headline News for Wednesday June 28th, 2017

UFO Headline News | Daily UFO News Podcast - Powered by Inception Radio Network

Headline #1: Southern Cross:  A Southern Sky Signpost

Synopsis: Tonight, we’re paying tribute to the Southern Cross, also known as the constellation Crux, for our friends in the Southern Hemisphere. No matter where you live in the Southern Hemisphere, look in your southern sky for the Southern Cross as soon as darkness falls. At temperate latitudes in the Southern Hemisphere, where it’s now the winter season, we astronomers say the Southern Cross swings to upper meridian transit – its high point in the sky – around nightfall, or approximately 6 p.m. local time.

Headline #2: Expect Colorful Clouds From Rocket Launch

Synopsis: NASA said on June 27, 2017 that the launch of its Terrier-Improved Malemute sounding rocket is scheduled for between 4:25 and 4:48 a.m. EDT (between 8:25 and 8:48 UTC; translate to your time zone) this Thursday, June 29. It said the launch window is determined by sun angles and the location of the moon. The rocket is to test a new multi-canister ejection system for deploying vapors in rocket missions for studying Earth’s upper atmosphere and ionosphere, aka aurora soundings. Upon launch of the rocket, the vapors will form luminescent, blue-green and red, artificial clouds expected to be seen from New York to North Carolina.

Headline #3: No, NASA Hasn’t Found Alien Life

Synopsis: NASA is not preparing to drop an alien-life bombshell, despite what you may have heard. Last week, the hacking group Anonymous posted a video, suggesting that the space agency is about to announce the discovery of life beyond Earth. The video has made a big splash online — so big that NASA science chief Thomas Zurbuchen addressed the rumor today (June 26). “Contrary to some reports, there’s no pending announcement from NASA regarding extraterrestrial life,” Zurbuchen said via Twitter, where he posts as @Dr_ThomasZ. “Are we alone in the universe? While we do not know yet, we have missions moving forward that may help answer that fundamental question,” he added in another tweet today.

Headline #4: No, NASA Hasn’t Found Alien Life

Synopsis: NASA is not preparing to drop an alien-life bombshell, despite what you may have heard.  Last  week, the hacking group Anonymous posted a video on YouTube suggesting that the space agency is about to announce the discovery of life beyond Earth.  The video has made a big splash online–so big that NASA science Chief Thomas Zurbuchen addressed the rumour on June 26th.

Headline #5: The Mother Of All UFOs?/Nick Redfern: Part II

Synopsis: Part-1 of this article introduced you to the incredible story of the late J.R. Oliver. He was a man who in 1949 was involved in a sensational UFO encounter at the height of a United Kingdom military exercise, code-named Operation Bulldog. In a letter sent to UFO researcher Tim Good in 1991  which Tim copied and sent to Nick Redfern, (and which Oliver’s widow generously let him publish), Oliver revealed that at the height of the operation, a definitive UFO was tracked–on radar–by the staff of multiple military installations in the United Kingdom. It was a UFO that was estimated to have been flying close to 3,000 miles per hour. With that said, let’s now continue with what else Oliver had to say about the UFO encounter and the UFO itself

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