Here is the UFO Headline News for Wednesday June 21st, 2017

UFO Headline News | Daily UFO News Podcast - Powered by Inception Radio Network

Headline #1: Solstice? Depends On Where You Are

Synopsis: Happy June solstice, everyone! If you’re in the Northern Hemisphere, the June solstice is your signal to celebrate summer. If you’re in the Southern Hemisphere, winter starts today. Is today your solstice? Was yesterday your solstice? This 2017 June solstice takes place on June 21 at 4:24 UTC; translate to your time zone. In North America, that’s June 21 at 1:24 a.m. ADT and 12:24 a.m. EDT – yet on June 20 at 11:24 p.m. CDT, 10:24 p.m. MDT, 9:24 p.m. PDT and 8:24 p.m. AKDT (Alaskan Daylight Time). At the instant of this June 2017 solstice, it’s noon in Southeast Asia, Indonesia and the West Coast of Australia. The sun is at zenith (straight overhead) over southeast China. It’s sunrise in Africa and far-western Europe, midnight in South America and far-eastern North America. It’s sunset in northwestern North America and the Pacific. The solstice happens at the same instant for all of us, everywhere on Earth; only our clocks and calendars are different.

Headline #2: NASA Will Try Again For Sounding Rocket and Colorful Clouds Over U.S. East Coast

Synopsis: NASA is hoping to execute a rocket launch that will create artificial glowing clouds. These could be visible to millions of people along the U.S. East Coast. A Terrier-Improved Malemute sounding rocket will launch into the night sky from NASA’s Wallops Flight Facility on Wallops Island, Virginia. If all goes well, the rocket will create brilliant red and blue-green clouds of vapor as part of a canister-ejection technology test. Weather permitting, the clouds could be visible to observers on the East Coast between New York and North Carolina, and as far inland as Charlottesville, Virginia.

Headline #3: The Journey To Mars Seems Pretty Much Dead

Synopsis:  The space agency recently released what it called a “mid-year report” on NASA five months into the presidency of Donald Trump. The nearly five-minute video is mostly a chronological summary of NASA’s announcements so far this year and seems designed to highlight all of the things the new administration has accomplished in space. However, there are some curious inclusions and omissions in the promotional video that provide clues about where NASA is headed under the new administration.

Headline #4: Elon Musk’s Mars Manifesto

Synopsis: Last September, Elon Musk announced SpaceX’s plan to make human life multi-planetary by building a self-sustaining, one-million-person civilization on Mars. Now, he’s authored a 15-page commentary adapted from his original announcement – titled Making Humans a Multi-Planetary Species – published in the journal New Space, which describes itself as “the only international peer-reviewed journal dedicated to the era of new space innovation.” The manifesto is available for free until early July and is a must-read for space and sci fi fans.

Headline #5: The Mother of All UFOs?–Part One/Nick Redfern

Synopsis: There are certain UFO-themed cases that – for Nick Redfern – really stand out when it comes to the matter of demonstrating the reality of the phenomenon. The following is a perfect example. The genesis of the story dates back to 1949; to say that it’s a saga of incredible proportions is right on the money. On October 26, 1991, the late J.R. Oliver wrote to UFO author/investigator Tim Good and related an amazing story. At the time, Nick was working on his first book, A Covert Agenda, and, on December 4, 1991, Tim sent him a copy of Oliver’s letter – thinking that he would find it interesting –  which he most certainly did. Unfortunately by the time Nick Redfern wrote to Oliver, he had passed away. His wife however very generously gave him permission to use the account of her late husband which makes for fascinating reading.

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