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UFO Headline News Thursday June 15th, 2017

Here is the UFO Headline News for Thursday June 15th, 2017

Headline #1: Earth Between Sun and Saturn on June 15th

Synopsis: Tonight – June 15, 2017 – look for the ringed planet Saturn in the night sky. It’ll be visible from dusk until dawn, because today our planet Earth flies between Saturn and the sun, bringing Saturn to what astronomers call opposition. In other words, Saturn is opposite the sun in Earth’s sky right now. This is a big milestone for our year of observing the ringed planet! We go between Saturn and the sun on June 15 at 10:00 UTC. So this is Saturn’s special day, its yearly opposition, when Saturn is opposite the sun in Earth’s sky. 

Headline #2: Sun Likely Has A Long-Lost Twin

Synopsis: Nemesis is apparently real, even if its bad reputation is undeserved. For decades, some scientists have speculated that the sun has a companion whose gravitational tug periodically jostles comets out of their normal orbits, sending them careening toward Earth. The resulting impacts have caused mass extinctions, the thinking goes, which explains the putative star’s nickname: Nemesis. Now, a new study reports that almost all sun-like stars are likely born with companions, bolstering the case for the existence of Nemesis.

Headline #3: Alien Life Could Be Discovered Within Next Decade, Says Astronomer

Synopsis: The hunt for alien life has long been of interest to numerous astronomers and space enthusiasts. Current space missions involve searching for habitable planets, with the hope of also stumbling onto microbial forms of life. Although we are yet to find any substantial evidence to point towards the existence of intelligent life beyond Earth, some experts still believe that we could be closer to discovering alien life than we may think. According to Chris Impey, Deputy Head of the Department of Astronomy at the University of Arizona, the search for life beyond Earth may yield results within the next decade. However, Impey cautioned that finding intelligent life could take much longer than that.

Headline #4: NASA Revives 50-Year-Old Idea: Recycle Space Stations in Orbit

Synopsis: A long-dormant plan for a space station built in space from recycled parts may be getting new legs. NASA has signed an estimated $10 million contract to study the possibility of turning used rocket stages into functioning labs with support for a crew. Before Skylab, the first US space station, went into orbit in the 1970s, Wernher von Braun proposed to separately send parts for a space station and astronauts aboard two Saturn IB rockets, which would launch within a day of one another. Launching separate payloads would be key to saving weight, given the rockets’ capacity limitations. When both rockets were in orbit, astronauts would remotely vent any remaining fuel from the uncrewed rocket’s hydrogen tank, install life-support equipment, and move in. This would reuse a fuel tank that would otherwise be discarded.

Headline #5: IKEA Partners With NASA To Make Space A Little More Cozy

Synopsis: Setting up IKEA furniture may be difficult, but it’s not rocket science … or is it? Thanks to a new collaboration between NASA and the Swedish furniture store, the two challenges may not be so different after all. IKEA is now “looking into how a Mars habitat can become more like home,” so that one day, if we do leave this planet, we’ll be able to set up cheap, mass-produced furniture on new horizons, too.

Headline #6: Space Oddity: Flatworm Sent Into Orbit Returns To Earth With An Extra Head

Synopsis: Two and a half years ago, scientists sent a handful of flatworms to the International Space Station to study how these simple invertebrates handle space environments. They weren’t overly concerned with the worms’ well-being. Their end goal was to investigate how space will impact future human astronauts. “We were interested to explore the effects of space travel — including loss of the geomagnetic and gravitational field — on regeneration of complex organs,” Michael Levin, a Tufts University biologist who worked on the project, told Digital Trends. Specifically, the researchers wanted to explore “exomedicine,” medicine in zero gravity. Planarian flatworms are well-known for their regenerative abilities, and are often used in medical research. In this study, the scientists amputated one set of the space-bound planaria and left the other set intact. They then packed them in separate test tubes half-filled with water, and launched them into space aboard a SpaceX Dragon spacecraft.

Headline #7: Bizarre UFO Picture In broad Daylight Above County Leitrim; Expert Explains Why Area Has Become ‘Hotspot’

Synopsis: An eagle-eyed observer captured an eerie snapshot of an unidentified flying object above their home on May 7. And before you dismiss it as a picture of the moon at night – the image was taken in broad daylight. The bizarre sighting has now been recorded by Filer’s Research Institute, the US-based National UFO Center. The unnamed witness described seeing “the small glow above my garden” before quickly reaching for a camera. They added: “There was no movement or sound. I turned to call my wife and it was gone at 2:15 PM. It was very weird and I’m a tad spooked in truth.”

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