Here is the UFO Headline News for Friday June 30th, 2017

UFO Headline News | Daily UFO News Podcast - Powered by Inception Radio Network

Headline #1: First Quarter Moon With Jupiter June 30th

Synopsis: Tonight – June 30, 2017 – be sure to watch the magnificent pairing of the moon and Jupiter as darkness falls. The moon and Jupiter rank as the brightest and third-brightest heavenly bodies of nighttime. What’s the second-brightest? It’s the blazing planet Venus, which resides exclusively in the morning sky for the rest of 2017. Also, look for a bright star near Jupiter and the moon. This star is Spica – near Jupiter throughout 2017 – brightest light in the constellation Virgo.

Headline #2: Asteroid Day 2017 is June 30th

Synopsis: The third annual International Asteroid Day is today, June 30, 2017. According to its organizers, Asteroid Day is a global awareness campaign to help people learn about asteroids and about what we can do to protect our planet from asteroid impacts. There are also live events in many places for Asteroid Day. Asteroid Day is held on the anniversary of the largest asteroid impact in Earth’s recent history – an event that took place in Siberia on June 30, 1908, known as the Tunguska explosion. A small asteroid apparently exploded over Tunguska, Siberia. It released the equivalent of 100 tons of TNT, devastating an area of about 800 square miles (about 2,000 square km), the size of a major metropolitan city.

Headline #3: Mars Photo of Metallic Object Has Internet in a UFO Frenzy

Synopsis: It’s shiny. It’s sharp. It’s on Mars. It must be aliens! What appears to be a chunk of metal photographed by the Opportunity Rover has UFO buffs in a spin. It shows an unusually shiny, and jagged, object sitting neatly on top of the grainy surface of Mars’ Meridiani Planum. A more down to Earth (though admittedly this is Mars we’re talking about here) suggestion was that it could be a piece of debris from the rover itself, or a heat shield from the craft that delivered it.

Headline #4: Roswell Invaded As UFO Festival Begins

Synopsis: Roswell, New MexicoPeople around the world are making their way to New Mexico this weekend for what organizers call the biggest UFO festival in the world. People, pets, aliens, and everyone in between invaded the streets of downtown Roswell to kick off the 22nd annual event. Some of the highlights at this year’s event include two extreme water slides to help people stay cool in the dead of the heat and the 70th anniversary of the much-discussed 1947 Roswell incident.

Headline #5: Argentina: Unknown Flashing Object Astonishes Onlookers

Synopsis: Something out of the ordinary startled residents of Barrio El Carmen yesterday at noon. It sparkled and moved, but it was unknown to those looking at it. Local residents were astounded by the object that appeared in the skies of Salta at noon yesterday. In Barrio El Carmen, anyone looking up at that time would have been surprised to see an unusual shiny object. Some locals who beheld the circular shining object spoke with La Gaceta about the unanswered riddle: what could it have been?

Headline #6: UFO Sighting in Phoenix, Arizona

Synopsis: The night of June 29th, 2017 roughly around 9:30 p.m. my grandma and I were driving out of downtown Phoenix, we were heading down Highway 202 and Rural road; I looked out the window and saw a very large swarm of hovering twinkling red lights–it looked like there were hundreds of lights in this shapeless swarm and they were packed closely enough that we could tell that they were not attached on the surface of any object.

Headline #7: UFO Sighting in Tacoma, Washington

Synopsis: Was in my backyard talking on my cell phone with a friend, when I noticed a diamond-shaped object above my neighbors house; the object was silver, shiny, reflecting light–it had sparkling blinking white lights and was tumbling end-over-end as it flew over my back yard; although the object was silver when it flew it also seemed to change to a darker silver and there was no sound associated with this object.

Headline #8: UFO Sighting in Woodbury, Minnesota

Synopsis: I was working at the time–I’m a United States Postal Service mail carrier; what made me notice something was the sound of fighter jets in the sky–there were at least three, maybe up to five fighter jets in the sky–I  only actually witnessed one but there seem to be something in front of it that was chasing him, causing him to do a loop-the-loop in the sky chasing this object.

Headline #9: UFO Sighting in Branson, Missouri

Synopsis: We were eating ice cream outside at Cold Stone Creamery when I noticed a fireball in the southeast direction, so I pointed it out and it was observed by 8 people for about a minute; I thought it would would go out, but it kept going, it was very bright and looked like something was burning up in the atmosphere–it must have been far away as well because it did not cover much space in the sky, then it split into five separate fireballs and continued downward.

Headline #10: UFO Sighting in Aberdeen, Maryland

Synopsis: I was driving home and I saw an orange glowing light above the trees along the side of the road I was traveling on; it was drifting towards the northwest–I have seen objects like this in the past so I pulled over to the side of the road and took pictures, then it moved to the right of me and the orange light stopped glowing and I saw the UFO very clearly–it was black and had several small lights on it, orange and white lights.

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