ETs & UFOs: The Big Reveal

Saturday, June 24th, 2017 at 11 pm EDT, joining Paranormal Now’s host Alan B. Smith from the paranormal perch is author Steve Alten, who invites us to take the dive into the seemingly unbelievable. Steve Alten has co-author Unacknowledged with Dr. Steven Greer and is the best selling author of the thriller MEG, and has just released his new novel, Undisclosed.

At the top of the show Steve shares some of his views on President Trump and Trump’s relationship to truth, energy, the health of our people and the planet. All of this pertaining to the secrets of a shadow government that is really in control and is suppressing “zero-point energy” technology that could otherwise provide free energy to all citizens of the planet; as well as feasible galactic space travel.

Steve also offers what he believes to be the truth behind this hidden government’s agenda to create a false flag alien invasion. Steve explains what this “invasion” will look like, how devastating, and the reasons for it.
Steve also offers an alternative future where we can come together as one human race to prevent the oppression of Earth’s citizens.


Steve Alten | ETs & UFOs: Are We Ready for The Big Reveal?

Steven Alten is a NY Times and international best-selling author who served as author and co-author on Dr. Steven M. Greer’s new book, Unacknowledged. Both Dr. Greer’s book, the accompanying documentary, Unacknowledged and sixteenth thriller, Undisclosed were designed as a multi- pronged tool to introduce the masses to the truth behind UFOs, ETs, and the black-shelved energy technologies that are being purposely kept from the public. Steve says that these zero-point-energy breakthroughs were derived from reverse-engineering downed interstellar craft. He believes Zero-point-energy could potentially end poverty, hunger and reverse climate change while eliminating fossil fuels.

Unlike the nonfiction book, Unacknowledged, his novel, Undisclosed, weaves the facts and history about UFOs and ETs into a storyline in what he calls “faction” – fiction designed to deliver facts. Fiction has the power to deliver a message to people who might never pick up a book like Unacknowledged. Over the last 20 years, Steve Alten’s books have sold millions of copies. His first thriller, MEG, about a 70-foot prehistoric Great White shark called a Megalodon, was optioned by Warner Bros. and will debut on August 10, 2018, starring Jason Statham, Ruby Rose and Rainn Wilson.


Undisclosed by Steve Alten

A veteran of the Iraq war is appointed Under Secretary of Defense in order to penetrate a secret government purposely black-shelving zero-point-energy, a clean, abundant energy source reverse-engineered from downed UFOs. Are Extraterrestrials and UFOs real? Are there secret subterranean military bases hiding advanced technologies that date back to the incident at Roswell? Is there a False Flag in the works intended to wipe out billions? Steve Alten’s UNDISCLOSED is a mind-opening thriller of -faction- which incorporates testimonials from military and intelligence personnel who were actual eyewitnesses and participants involved in the greatest secret in history. – Get the Book!

Alan’s Paranormal Corner

Hide or Seek

Paranormal Now is not a political show. And I try my best to avoid such topics unless it directly pertains to the focus of the subject matter generally discussed on this platform. So, sometimes, it is unavoidable.

I passionately care about all people and our planet. I care about the health of our air, our water, the earth, and our mental stability – all of which can be affected by pollution and toxins. That’s a fact. I also accept that we are in a transitional period of slowly swapping fossil fuels for alternative clean energies. I do not want people to lose jobs. Coal miners in particular are on the chopping block despite any moves that the President makes. It’s outside of Trump’s control as the industries themselves have a life of their own. Green energy technologies are growing rapidly, as are those respective jobs. I don’t think President Obama did enough to help transition workers in fields that are antiquated into new sectors. But, at least he did provide some programs. Again, just not enough. Perhaps we could have already done so much more to retrain and equip people with new skill sets for other jobs in new industries in the areas of the US where fossil fuel jobs are disappearing. Could we not have offered tax breaks or subsidies for new companies to move into the same regions where coal mining jobs once were? I just have a feeling that if all political parties were united on this then we wouldn’t even be talking about it right now.

But we are. And even more so of a concern is the advance of robotics and artificial intelligence. More and more factory workers and retail workers are losing there jobs at a higher rate. But, look, for centuries we have had to adjust to new technologies; and if what Steve Alten says is true, that zero-point energy already exists but is being suppressed, I for one think we should use it as soon as we do have access to it. We can’t stop life saving progress for the sake of jobs. However, we could decide to moderately integrate free energy technology so it doesn’t crash and burn industries all at once. Plus, we all know that with each new technology there are some (not always a lot) of new jobs anyway. It’s just that the transition period is the most difficult. Which is exactly why we need to work hard on focusing on the future security of our work force. Not only on jobs for the next ten years, but for the next two generations and beyond.

We have to ask, do we continue to poison our planet and ourselves for 10,000 or so jobs…or…do we transfer jobs into a new sector while simultaneously making our future family, friends and ourselves healthier?

Now, as for Steve’s assertion that government/shadow government insiders have warned Dr. Steven Greer of an impending world-wide One World Government coup: I don’t deny it’s possible. As we often are left to do, we must decide whether to believe the word of another human being. I think that Steve Alten’s belief in Dr. Greer is real and his convictions true. That doesn’t make for fact, but it certainly has me intrigued! I’ve had my own UFO sighting, as well as some very deep spiritual occurrences, so I certainly do keep an open mind on this one. What I really need to do though, is read Steve’s book, Undisclosed, and finally watch the documentary, Unacknowledged, before I can really form an opinion.

Steve Alten was resolved on expressing his optimism for our future. I appreciate that. Because we all know that False flags and government power grabs are a real thing. And technology suppression is also real. So, what if aliens and zero-point energy do exist? Well, if you believe extraterrestrials exist, then something like zero-point energy must exist for them to eat here right?

I hope so.

-Alan B. Smith

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The post Steve Alten appeared first on Inception Radio Network | UFO & Paranormal Talk Radio.