Examining Synchronicity, Parallel Worlds and Escaping the Matrix

Thursday, June 8th, 2017 at 10:30 pm EDT, join the resolute seeker of truth, René Barnett of NightVision Radio to hear Hercules Invictus share his research on Synchronicity, Parallel Worlds and Escaping the Matrix as detailed in the brand new book, The Matrix Control System of Phillip K. Dick and the Paranormal Synchronicities of Timothy Green Beckley. Why do synchronicities seem to abound in the paranormal fields like ufology? How do they inform us? Find out as we welcome one of the subjects of this fascinating collection of stories, Hercules Invictus, master of personal development and human empowerment!


Hercules Invictus | Examining Synchronicity, Parallel Worlds and Escaping the Matrix

Hercules Invictus has an Olympian Mission to promote life-long personal development, human empowerment, out-of-the box thinking, creative self-expression and a dedication of one’s unique talents to community service.

All of his Labors in this lifetime celebrate the Hero’s Journey in myth, legend, spirituality, popular culture and in daily life.

Hercules firmly believes that the human spirit is essentially heroic and always seeking ways to express its innate nobility and greatness. And that a life fully lived, dedicated to actualizing the Highest we can conceive, is the noblest expression of human existence.

The Matrix Control System of Philip K. Dick And The Paranormal Synchronicities O

The Matrix Control System of Philip K. Dick And The Paranormal Synchronicities O



You Have Doubtlessly Seen The Movies Based Upon What We Have All Come to Believe Are Exceptionally Brilliant Science Fiction Novels Written By The Late Philip K. Dick . . .


But what you probably didn’t know is that their creator was living out some of the same incredibly bizarre scenarios that he wrote about. One can easily compare Philip to the character played by Arnold Schwarzenegger in “Total Recall,” who found himself in a parallel universe on a faraway planet, despite the fact that he was only supposed to be hooked up in a laboratory to a machine that creates realistic dream-like images. Which reality is the character really living in?

At a sci-fi press conference held in France in 1977, Philip tried to explain some of his bewildering thoughts about the existence of a parallel or self-contained – Matrix-like – universe created by “someone” who has the ability to alter the course of time and our concept of reality:

“People claim to remember past lives,” Philip told the throng of reporters and fans. “I claim to remember a different – very different – present life. I know of nobody who has ever made this claim before but I rather suspect that my experience is not unique. What perhaps is unique is my willingness to talk about it. We are living in a computer-programmed reality and the only clue we have to it is when some variable is changed and some alteration in our reality occurs . . . and because of this a variable WAS changed – reprogrammed as it were – and an alternative world branched off.”

Drawing on the masterful mind of creative genius Philip K. Dick we offer up dozens of his personal experiences, as well as those of others in the UFO and paranormal fields, where synchronicities seem to abound. This is NOT science fiction. This is a universe that cannot be so easily grasped or explained.

The well-known collector of scientific curiosities, Charles Fort, is often quoted as having said: “The Earth is a farm. We are someone’s property.” He likened our condition to being movable pieces on a chess board.

“There is no doubt that we are under some sort of surveillance and that an ‘invisible hand’ has the ability to carve out our existence and ‘interfere’ in our daily lives by creating a variety of bizarre ‘play scripts’ that to some may seem like pure ‘coincidences.’” Or so says pop culture paranormalist Tim Beckley, who notes that “Synchronicities are not just random occurrences but are laid out before us by some sort of synchronicity command post, which ably demonstrates their mastery or control over us hapless earthlings.”

Drawing on the masterful mind of creative genius Philip K. Dick (some to this day perceive him to have been a total “mad man”) we offer up dozens of his personal experiences, as well as those of others in the UFO and paranormal fields, where synchronicities seem to abound. Beckley and co-author Sean Casteel lay out a plausible scenario to “explain” the intricate workings of what has been dubbed “The Synchronicity Command Board,” or “Earth Coincidence Control Office,” as so aptly named by the brilliant American marine biologist and neurologist, Dr. John C. Lilly.

THE MATRIX CONTROL SYSTEM OF PHILIP K. DICK – AND THE PARANORMAL SYNCHRONICITIES OF TIMOTHY GREEN BECKLEY has been compiled by Tim Beckley and Sean Casted with an Introduction by Tessa Dick and added contributions by such esteemed researchers as: Philip K. Dick, Tim Swartz, Nick Redfern, Diane Tessman, Hercules Invictus, Brad Steiger, Brent Raynes, Cynthia Cirile, Valarie D. Orazio, and others who have come to conclude we are living in a computerized simulation, and like PKD acknowledge the existence of the Matrix. – Book Link

Listen to Hercules Invictus’ interview right here on IRN!

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