What do you think about the state of Ufology today? Does it meet up to your expectations? Sadly, it falls short for nearly every serious investigator. It falls even shorter for experiencers who wish the topics of discussion to be more focused on real interactions.

What has happened to what once seemed to be a burgeoning field of study for and with folks who’ve had some kind of experience or at least witnessed what has often been termed ‘UFOs’? Some years ago, in a presentation in England, Bob Dean spoke of the fact that ‘they’ are no longer ‘UFOs’ because we know what they are… visitors in various types of interstellar and perhaps interdimensional craft. Paul Hellyer, retired Canadian Defense Minister, speaks openly about his knowledge from his prior position and current relationships.

So many today banter about the past; opinions and research that have been so trampled they have lost their appeal to serious folks. You might be one of them. Unfortunately, the attraction to the curious has helped to develop an industry that supports speculators and storytellers as much as real information sharing. In the thirty plus years the author has been involved there have been at least three cycles of activity. Stephen Bassett does his best to keep it real as he continues to lobby for disclosure. Dr. Steven Greer continues to speak about his contact techniques and the familiar message he admits to receiving as well.

Each cycle starts with some real information, a new breakthrough or personage that suddenly decides to share their story. Then the attention gets distracted to old information that’s rehashed and then on to some sci-fi encounter that has something to do with a conspiracy. Whether it is a government coverup of interaction with aliens or a secret space program, the process repeats about every 10 to 12 years with new people. We’re due for a new spin. We all oppose deceivers, right?

What began in 1991 as the International UFO Congress in Tucson, Arizona has become a business venture. It spawned several others over the years, some doing better than others. They all tend to follow the pattern shared above. The better the marketing and/or story, the more intriguing the conspiracy or mystery, numbers flock and those numbers mean dollars. In loose surveys over the last decade or so, real experiencers and serious folk express the need for discussing the non-human intelligences and communication that reveals a common thread toward learning how to live in harmony with natural law and order, like the universe.

Is there a theme to all the communication including crop circles, experiences of sensory input still needing a language to articulate coherently, telepathic and virtual visitations? There doesn’t seem to be any disagreement with the aforementioned ‘message’ about learning to live together. That is, as people getting along, the entire gamut from planet (its elements) to living creatures with and without ‘consciousness’ or what we express as being sentient. It naturally occurs in the evolution of sentient beings, every planetary civilization capable of star travel has learned it.

Believe it or not, there are humans who have learned it as well, nearly every one knows of interdimensional as well as interstellar capabilities. They cut through all the Ufology industry stuff, usually by non-engagement, and look for other ways of more ethically-driven ways to gather. The events around the world today, as off-center as they are, still bring many folks who don’t know where else to find kindred folk. The names have been changed to protect the innocent and maintain anonymity so employment wouldn’t be jeopardized.

More recently there have been great efforts by an organization that was endorsed by Dr. Edgar Mitchell as one of his final acts to continue his work in consciousness studies. Through their surveys, which are anonymous, over 4,000 participants have shared their personal experiences. Now we’re getting somewhere with FREE information. The data from these surveys is available and getting some attention. Rey Hernandez heads up the organization. Perhaps it will give folks encouragement to speak more publicly, somewhat anonymously.

In other areas, still cyclical and spiraling up the experience peak, Grant Cameron speaks and writes on the patterns of contact and the style and type associated with each ’round’ of the cycle. Richard Dolan has become an expert in the history and he expresses an intellectual curiosity toward an optimistic quest of intentions and potential interspecie work. Although it’s talked about religiously in some circles, the general public doesn’t seem to understand there have been those living among us for millennia.

It seems that the world continues to spiral out of control in our efforts to control our path. Many individuals are awakening to an understanding of holistic systems that permeate our lives. If consciousness evolves and the thoughtmosphere expands, what is the critical mass that would begin to right the ship, ‘our’ relationship that is. The ability to manage machinery with a mixture of galvanic response, psychokinesis and telepathy is just one example of understanding universal law and order, using built-in features of our very nature. It is currently way out of our ability to be disciplined to that degree. We like to argue too much.

Conspiracy theories always have an argumentative nature. Debates run high amongst those who believe in them, real or imagined. They take away from the more pressing need for transforming our way of doing business and educating our children on planet Earth. They give us a way to consider and discern, seeking the sensation within that reveals their truth or not. I hear that a lot from the grapevine, the contact underground that Dr. Joseph Burkes has engaged for a couple of decades. More internet radio hosts are exploring the grapevine, giving us more information to analyze and discern.

The general sense in this ‘free’ population is that things are progressing toward a beneficial end. Statistically over time the perception of events even changes toward the beneficial. It seems that as consciousness develops, the perception of events can drastically change as the experiencer progresses. Long-term contact tends to result in a vastly different understanding, congruent with the theme above. Hopefully the Ufology industry will recognize folks will flock still, and take a chance on elevating the conversation.

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