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A Close Encounter of the Third Kind with Love.

Joseph Burkes MD 2015

It has been said that consciousness is the “golden thread” that ties us to UFO intelligence. After all if the ET hypothesis is correct and UFOs are an extraterrestrial manifestation, then we are going to be very different from them. We don’t share a common history, language or biological evolution, but what both humans and ETs have in common is that we are awake and are aware of that wakefulness.

Perhaps we can share states of being that come from that clear quiet place that we call consciousness itself. For those of us who have met the visitors face to face, there exists the possibility of sharing a sense of peace or joy. Although it may sound corny, as this narrative suggests we may also be able to communicate with, and share love.


My initial enthusiastic support for CSETI ‘s contact efforts led me to a rather daring action. Some would call it foolish. I decided to set up a CSETI information booth at the American Public Health Association’s annual meeting held in Washington DC in November of 1992. I was accompanied by my medical group partner “Dr. Daniel.” He was in our Los Angeles CSETI CE-5 Initiative Working Group.

The APHA’s meeting draws about 10,000 health professionals whose political views are more to the left than mainstream medicine’s views. The APHA has historically championed the health rights of women, ethic minorities and workers. During the first few years of my medical career I had actively participated in the Occupational Health and Safety section of the APHA. In 1979 I was co-founder of the Los Angeles Committee on Occupational Safety and Health, a coalition of health care and legal professionals that endeavored through education and advocacy to make the workplace safer.


At a beautiful new convention center in the nation’s capital, under a royal blue banner embroidered with the slogan, “ One Universe, One People!” Daniel and I “worked” the conference participants. A small TV monitor played dramatic footage of UFOs, while I called out to passersby, “Would you like to see a UFO video?” Apparently quite a few did, over 250 nurses, doctors and administrators watched the film clips and chatted with us during the 3-day conference. About forty signed up for more information and the bravest shared their personal stories of sightings and other contact experiences.


A Ph.D. professor of nursing gave the most impressive report to me. From her convention badge I identified her as a faculty member from a major university. She watched the videos for a few minutes and then allowed me to interview her about her personal contact experience.

Some 7 years before she reportedly had a Close Encounter of the Third Kind. After nightfall while camping with her fiancée, her tent was filled with a very bright light. All around the campsite she could hear footsteps. Apparently from prior encounters she immediately realized that she was having a contact experience. The professor reported not being able to move but was fully awake. She could not stir her friend that was sound asleep. One humanoid stuck his head into the tent. By her description the being was the typical so called “Gray,” big head with wrap around eyes. My nursing colleague told me that she was happily excited and frightened at the same time.

The being quickly retreated but she could see his shadow and those of several others on the walls of her tent that was illuminated by the campfire light. She told me that she sent out the thought, “ I love you.” In a flash she felt a forceful burst of electric type energy. The sensation surged through her body from the top of her head down to the tip of her toes. The beings left her campsite and the encounter was over.

There are on the exhibit floor, under the bright lights with hundreds of booths and thousands of participants around us, she had described the experience simply, matter of fact, with just a touch of amazement. I was a perfect stranger to her and yet she was willing to share her recollections of an intimate contact with what she believed were non-human beings. I described to her the ambitious goals of CSETI’s CE-5 Initiative. She listened politely but chose not to sign up for more information. After all she was a professor at a major university and the notoriety of being a contact experiencer might cause her considerable harm. She wished me well in my crusade and walked away, disappearing into the crowd.

About the author: Joseph Burkes MD volunteered as a Working Group Coordinator for the CE-5 Initiative from 1992 to 1998. He has continued to study the flying saucer phenomenon working with MUFON and the Peruvian contact network now called Rahma. He is co-author of the book “Paths to Contact” edited by Jeff Becker. Dr Burkes retired from the Southern California Permanente Medical Group after thirty years service in 2008. He is a board certified internal medicine physician and is licensed to practice in California.

Compatible History

and response from the curator….

Dr. Burkes knows far too well that the consciousness we call ET is so connected to what we also call ‘unconditional love’ that it seems surreptitious that others would engage in fear-based conspiracy theories, imho. The frequency response of such deep levels of love can initially feel so intense that they indeed are a bit frightening; the unfamiliar sense of being totally and unconditionally ‘loved’ by high-frequency beings.

We ‘see’ them in many ways, from humanoid-looking (most appeasing) to reptilian (most challenging) and even non-bipedal creatures as well. It’s been said that we/they present themselves according to the viewer’s capacity or willingness to see. A lot of the current focus, though, is still on the lower vibratory realms, the research on encounters, sightings and such. Bridging the professional realms, like Joe did with the APHA, is critical and I believe mandatory today.

International Association for Near Death Studies

I had the opportunity to do the same a few years ago, with the International Association for Near-Death Studies. I applied for a presentation spot at their 2010 annual conference in Denver and got the nod, unexpectedly. After some scheduling rearrangements (initially having an hour, then a half-hour, then being put on a panel with two others and given 20 minutes as I stepped on stage) I felt a little uncomfortable with such demands that I felt were a bit unprofessional. Still, I was there and on stage.

I had a feeling things were going to go awry, so I didn’t put my powerpoint together until during the speaker just before us. It turned out to be perfectly timed… I came in just over the 20 minutes they allotted. During my presentation to the clinicians and medical professionals I introduced the notion of how the OBE’s, NDEs and STEs were all related and easily lended themselves to accessing what we call ETs and more, including cosmic consciousness.

I noticed some shades drawn with some of the audience but one individual in particular who was a long standing expert in the field, P.M. Atwater, was smiling from ear to ear and nodding continuously as I broached the delicate bridge. I knew I was going to hedge the edge of acceptability with this particular crowd, yet afterward there were several who congratulated me on bridging those worlds. No one to date had attempted to do so at the IANDS annual events.

Btw, I wasn’t invited back, either.  Still, the information was shared. Having multiple close encounters throughout my life has been both a blessing and a curse. I’m blessed with a greater understanding of the ‘non-humans;’ their perspective on universal law and order. I’m cursed with the misunderstanding and projections of others who are unable to hear from within.

Keep up the great work, Joe!

Here’s the video if anyone is interested….

Dr. Burkes and I had a great conversation a couple of months ago on Inception Radio, too…

The post CONTACT NETWORK HISTORY PROJECT appeared first on UFOlogy PRSS Blog.

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