
By Mercedes Kirkel

Hello friends,


As we enter 2017, I’m holding a vision of greater things ahead and a growing community of awakened beings responding to the call for humanity’s evolution.


My vision is rooted in the guidance I’ve received from Mary Magdalene and Yeshua. They’ve given a very specific teaching, specifically for this time, to support all of our spiritual transformation. More than anything else, it’s about uniting the Masculine and Feminine as the gateway to higher consciousness.


This uniting of the Masculine and Feminine will occur through individuals doing transformational work on their inner Masculine and Feminine. This will then be reflected in the “outer world” of our collective manifestation, as consciousness is always creating our “outer” reality.


The first phase of the Magdalene-Yeshua teaching has been to strengthen the Feminine in all of us. This strengthening of the Feminine allows a shift to occur.
The shift is FROM mind-based living that excludes the heart TO heart-centered living that’s in union with the mind.


Let me say that again, for emphasis:



Mind-based living that excludes the heart.


Heart-centered living that’s in union with the mind.


That’s a really important shift that we’re all in the process of making.


A part of this shift involves us fulfilling our cosmic role as humans of becoming emotional masters. As emotional masters, we will transform our 3D habit of projecting our pain into blame, judgment, aggression, and separation. Instead we will embrace and value all emotions—including painful emotions—as pathways to God-connection, true healing, and transformation.


All this will allow us to become spiritual co-creators for the highest good of all. We will go beyond dependence and independence, into interdependence.


The strengthening of the Feminine will also involve:

  • healing any shame we carry relative to our bodies and sexuality
  • developing our light body, which includes practicing sacred sexuality


The sign of the work of strengthening the Feminine being fulfilled is that we will be able to live from our hearts, consistently and continuously.


Then the next phase can begin. This is the phase of the Feminine loving the Masculine into its greatness. This includes the healing of the Masculine, but it’s much more than that. It’s ultimately about supporting the Masculine into its fully exalted role.


This is what is meant by the Feminine taking the lead at this time. It is not a lead like Joan of Arc or a general leading the troops, for that is the Masculine way of leading.


The Feminine leads through love—sharing her awakened gifts of emotional mastery, energetic aliveness, sacred sexuality, love of the body, and love of all forms of manifestation/creation. Ultimately she is sharing her radiant heart.


The love of the Feminine is the food the Masculine needs to open its heart to God. In that God-connection, the Masculine is transformed from the lower Masculine of action and goal accomplishment that’s separate from the heart and higher mind. The exalted Masculine lives as awakened consciousness, honoring and protecting the Feminine, guiding the Feminine through enlightened wisdom, and acting in service to the united Masculine-Feminine.


One of the strongest examples I see of the exalted Masculine at the present time is the Native American water protectors at Standing Rock, North Dakota. This applies to both the men and women who have taken up this role. Of course this is a generalization and each individual is manifesting their exalted Masculine to a greater or lesser degree. But as a generalization it’s helpful, because it provides an in-life example.


The water protectors at Standing Rocking are embodying the awakened Masculine through their tremendous love of the Feminine in the form of the Earth, and specifically through the element of water. They are demonstrating

  • the honoring and protecting of the Feminine (the water)
  • bringing enlightened wisdom to the Feminine through their vision, understanding, and prayer
  • following this up with action


This is just one example of how the exalted Masculine may manifest.


I believe the higher Masculine and Feminine, in union with each other, is our destiny. And we’ve been given tools and guidance to get there through Mary Magdalene’s and Yeshua’s teaching.


Because of this, I continue to share Mary’s and Yeshua’s teachings through online courses, books, retreats, my weekly newsletter and blog, and private sessions.


And now I see the next phase beginning of creating a physical spiritual center with a community of people dedicated to manifesting this teaching with each other. Ultimately, I see this expanding out to a global community, which has already begun, thanks to the sharing of the teaching I’ve received around the world.


I believe in this vision and invite you to join me in it. You can learn more at www.mercedeskirkel.com.


Heart blessings,
Mercedes Kirkel


©2017 Mercedes Kirkel, http://www.mercedeskirkel.com, All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to share this message as long as the message is posted in its entirety, nothing has been changed or altered in any way, and the post includes 1) the title, 2) “Received by Mercedes Kirkel” beneath the title and above the body of the post, 3) this copyright notice (full paragraph), and 4) Mercedes Kirkel’s website (http://www.mercedeskirkel.com).


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Mercedes Kirkel is a multi-award-winning author and channel for Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light. Her first book, Mary Magdalene Beckons: Join the River of Love is available at www.marymagdalenebeckons.com. Mercedes’s latest book, Sublime Union: A Woman’s Sexual Odyssey Guided by Mary Magdalene, is available at www.sublime-union.com.

To receive ongoing messages from Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light through Mercedes, go to www.mercedeskirkel.com and request to be added to the mailing list.

Mercedes offers workshops and private sessions in the U.S. and internationally, including:

  • Guidance from Mary Magdalene (and other beings of light)
  • Heart-Source Life-and-Relationships Coaching
  • Spiritual Mentoring
  • Light-Filled Intimacy™ Instruction

Based in Austin, TX, Mercedes works with people in-person and long distance (by phone and Skype). To see Mercedes’s current offerings and learn more about her, go to www.mercedeskirkel.com.