What IS all this Ashtar Command, Galactic Federation of Light and Confederation of Planets stuff about?

Some embrace it, some fear it, some welcome it as a natural progression of consciousness, some believe there is nothing beyond this world and some could care less, thinking it is all delusional manifestations. Many think the AC is an etheric organization based on a 5th dimension or plane. Others believe those etheric beings are incarnate as well, bridging worlds, as it were, as part of the ‘ground crew.’ It would only make sense that the latter would probably be evidence of their reality, eh? Cosmic consciousness resides in all of us, but those of the Command tend to find it early and live it internally long before others recognize their cosmic connection externally.

Where do you stand? …or are you sitting on the sidelines? Are you willing to explore more regarding the remote possibility that these things exist? With your permission, of course, prepare to have your mind expanded and/or your experience validated – whichever works best for you. I don’t pretend to have all the answers as my own experience continues to offer the need for better questions and deeper exploration. Still, I have enough to be of value in my contributions to the quest for understanding our multidimensional reality. Quantum sciences suggest strongly that there is much more capacity to our awareness.

I’ll give some brief information here, along with a bit of my personal experience to date. Admittedly, my experience is a bit off the charts when it comes to ‘normal’ situations even within the realms of abductees, contactees, expanded intelligence and spiritual visions. I often feel bereft of methodologies to translate sensations and vibrations into an intelligent stream of consciousness; articulation has evolved lately in life. You see, in the realms of this experience there is no need for names. Identification is by vibration… tone, and the rapid-fire streams of consciousness are like the thousand words in one flash of light, nearly incomprehensible.

Recent interactions in the thoughtmosphere on a dimension quite familiar provided another opportunity to share space with AA Michael in a rather interesting conversation regarding standing in truth. We were standing in an open area  lined with trees in the center of a mountain community, resting on the grass amongst the villagers who surrounded us. The discussion was intense and the hundreds around us were completely silent, composed yet startled that one of their own would engage Michael in such fashion. Our eyes were locked and our hearts open, yet the intensity of our energy exchange intimidated the group. We so completely loved each other we merged in our conversation about the living word in each of us and all those around us.

Our discussion was about the stand for truth, acknowledging the attempts of many to disregard the mandates of the Order [Command] and continue to stir fear-based information into the unsuspecting consciousness of those being awakened. We need to hold ourselves and each other accountable for our actions and behavior. The slumber on the ships is over, its time for the consciousness to expand in the bodies of those who’ve come to serve in their highest capacity. The Council is in agreement and its time to move forward, removing the cognitive dissonance of the human consciousness within the body in the process. Aligning intentionally with global peace projects is a facet of the work, internally motivated as evidence.

What gives me the authority to speak? I didn’t just suddenly decide to wave a flag or grab a microphone, although I’m good at the latter as a facilitator and speaker. Click on the video in the upper right to confirm. I’ve had numerous confirmations of my connection, from being the son of Ashtar and Athena to being the commander of the New Jerusalem. I Am still questioning my role and the rest is how open I can remain to the flow of energy in my heart. If you have access to the inner realms where we gather, go there and inquire or ask your favorite psychic. It’s proven to be effective when they are clear. I can offer much, but it will mean nothing if you have no direct experience of this connection on your own.

I trust my experience. I encourage you to trust your experience in the face of what others might tell you. Do you have one, an experience that is? Do you trust it? If not, why? If you have no direct experience from which to question, then might I suggest inquiring further. My book, Cosmic Conundrum, might help. I tested mine for decades before finally giving in to this apparent path. Let me share a little of how things have developed and my reason for the season to share. It was not an easy path nor was it easy to accept my own destiny, but I have been confronted with it for decades. Now that I’m stepping out in the light, so to speak, I’m sure I’ll have a different sort of confrontation.

I’ve been working on this integration of cosmic consciousness and capacity for translation for nearly 50 years now. It continues to lead the evolution of consciousness and understanding cosmology. I was first contacted shortly after I became aware that I was adopted, by a voice that sounded so large that I thought it was coming from everywhere and through everything. “Hey You!” It came from within. I had just turned 6 at the time. Nearly 50 years later, I have grown to know many realms and worlds of experience. My articulation is getting better even though it is still a great challenge, but it is a lot more fun now. Wordsmithing is a wonderful way to express concepts and experience whilst keeping a vigilant eye out.

A couple of years later [after the voice] I had numerous nightly trips to an orange cigar-shaped cloud several hundred meters long, possibly a quarter mile in length. I actually watched myself through the entire experience, up to reaching the perimeter of the cloud. It was pretty much the same every time. At that point I would wake up in bed the next morning, feeling like I couldn’t wait until the next time. I had this intense anticipation and excitement, but I could never talk about it. Now I know this was my initial education amongst peers in what one might call the real Star Fleet Command. Sound incredulous, doesn’t it? Hey, you don’t have to believe it. I’m as much an observer and reporter as experiencer. I’ve learned to detach.

These trips happened about once a month or so over a two year period. I had enough sense to keep the experiences to myself at that time. I had tried to talk to my parents about the ‘Hey You!’ voice and met with incredible denial. I did not need to convince them at the time. My truth and reality was enough and that ‘knowing’ continues to serve me well to this day. It doesn’t really matter what I think anyway; what happened indeed happened. Occasionally there were witnesses just to keep me sane, although at times we all were simply left speechless.

The first couple of decades of my life were full of wondrous experiences, most of them naturally mr-naturaloccurring. I have to admit that, like many of the 70’s, I experimented with psychotropics and stumbled into the path proffered by shamans and some mystics. So many ego deaths and transformations, leading one back to the main entrance clean and clear. My mind, according to my parents, was quite brilliant and completely replacing our entire body’s cells every 7 years means no loss of brain cells. I not only excelled in school, I learned to go inside, too. The inner worlds are rich with experience and wisdom that few choose to entertain, let alone release their own constrictions about death and the ‘other side’ of life.

Sometimes there is no boundary between the two, but the mind has to be willing to be free of liability, limitation and excuses…. engaged by the challenge to change as one becomes aware. In essence, we must suspend any and all belief systems learned to date in order to discover truth. I found myself in such a place as I was asked if I was willing to die for what I believe in. As a result I made my first journey into and beyond the ‘White Light’ that nearly everyone who has an NDE describes.

 I recently spoke at an International Association for Near Death Studies 2010 annual conference and addressed the possibility that the NDErs have better access to the greater consciousness of the Galactic Federation and specifically the Ashtar Command. One who has experienced total release from the body and returned with a new living awareness is quite open to contact by soular contract. After all, the Ashtar Command is said to be the administrational arm of the local Universe Council regarding fulfillment of soul contracts. That is, if you believe in that kind of thing. Truthfully, belief doesn’t

What do you intend to do about it? I will not claim to have all the answers. I’ve been given the direction we must take… Unity for Harmony of People and Planet. The rest is up to all of us and how we develop our group consciousness, group dynamic, and collabreation (collaborative creation). It is more than just co-creating as the individual efforts become part of the collective, feeding the whole project with the best we can offer in this or any other world.

Indeed, it has to be done with skill and precision. The existing systems of this world facilitate our understanding and development of project planning and implementation on whatever level it may occur. There is a process of perfection with everything, including the seemingly mundane daily business of living on planet earth. Shifting the consciousness to acknowledge each waking moment as a miracle in itself helps to open the doors to perception.

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