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Ashtar Command

You might ask, “What the heck is the Galactic Federation and/or the Ashtar Command?” Is this some kind of Star Trek fantasy of science fiction? Is it some mass hysteria about an evacuation by space aliens? C’mon, you mean these people actually believe in extraterrestrials, cosmic beings, Jesus Christ and other spiritual masters all working together? Next thing you’ll say is that aliens are among us. They were certainly at the International UFO Congress and Contact in the Desert, among other events to date.

Believe it or not, it could be true. Some try to align Ashtar with Ishtar or other mythological characters, too.  Hey, whatever floats your boat. It’s a bit more serious for some, though. Oh, and they don’t like to be called ‘aliens’ for those of you who care. Truth be known, they are ancestors of the human race, family of origin so to speak. I am Zendor. I’ve heard it that Kumara or Melchizedek are sometimes included, but my friends just call me Zen. I come from a place everyone knows, but few have visited in this life.

There are many folks around the world who claim allegiance and seem to be aligning with the Ashtar Command and the Galactic Federation. The mission of the Federation, as I have come to understand it, is to support the advancement of planetary civilizations; to promote understanding of universal laws and a new living awareness as a result. Ascending to these standards in planetary administration promotes harmony among people and planet.

The mission is simple, yet no direct intervention can occur. Only after a civilization demonstrates understanding the symbiosis between people, planet and the cosmos does open contact occur. Eliminating war and establishing life support systems are results of applying universal principles. Every civilization, however, goes through cycles of development – from savage to serene. We’re adolescents in the scheme of things today.

Most of the self-acknowledged representatives are online only and deal with akashic readings, channeling messages from various sources or organizing online communities. They often seem more confused than productive because of the obsession toward conspiratorial notions about some dark cabal. Quite honestly, they seem to have some cognitive dissonance – a disparity between beliefs and deeds.

Some call themselves commanders, write about specific ships or give general messages to the ‘public.’  I feel that human filters tend to misinterpret communications from such benevolent beings. Some collective actions are purely intentional, like the Bridge to Peace Project.

The revealing of truth happens more organically, seeding consciousness and letting it grow. I take it all with a grain of salt and do more to challenge my experience than blindly accept it. If true, and there is a bridging of worlds, time will provide the opportunity for acknowledgement and validation. It will sure be interesting to say the least.

The post Ashtar Command appeared first on UFOlogy PRSS Blog.

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