Contact and psycho-spiritual technologies are more connected than what we might think. We know that levels of consciousness are far different than what we are used to happening during contact experiences. The experiencer is often caught in the midst of it, unable to retain or reflect in process. Some do, but it is rare.

The phenomena becomes the focus rather than the communication that took place most don’t remember. For some outside the fray, the ability to integrate the experience, let alone be available for more, becomes a life-long quest for achieving credibility while seeking validation from the shared experiences of others.

We like expeditious experiences, quick fixes to the challenges we face in learning how to live a more aligned life, where aspiration, inspiration, qualification and vocation coalesce. How do we get to that place? Learning how to be still for long periods of time sure helps; allowing the mind to be adrift and quiet on the ocean of emotion.

Like Einstein said in his definition of insanity being if you keep doing the same thing and expect different results…. we need different behaviors and thoughts. With the new thought and non-linear/non-local opportunities to shift, there are many who are presenting possibilities now.

Star Trek presented the concept of thought-inspired travel many years ago. I’ve had my own experiences of traveling by thought, with no other explanation possible. Focused thinking void of distraction can produce a variety of experiences, intentional or unintentional depending on who is driving the bus. The traditional ufologist researcher is usually unwilling to explore this realm. It’s viewed as too subjective.

One of the best tools I found is call the Multi-plane Awareness Technique, developed originally by William Swygard back in the 1950s. When I was first introduced to it in 1989 it open me up like a lotus and life got kinda weird for a bit… a good weird, mind you. There was no recorded version of it, unfortunately, as it was done with a live facilitator back then… and still.

I looked for a long time, then decided to record it and share. It got some great reviews and probably a lot more potentially that folks were a bit skiddish to write about because of the high strangeness. A couple of years ago I re-recorded it and embedded the 9 Solfeggio frequencies in it as well; they fit perfectly with the 9 planes of consciousness presented during the journey.

So with that, I’d like to share the latest version… 1 hour and 20 minutes, roughly. It safe and non-habit forming…. (well, maybe) Multi-Plane with Solfeggio Tones

I believe this technique allowed me to garner the ability to be present enough to experience the ‘anal probe’ in a different way than many others, understanding it is a procedure beyond any perception of being ‘sexual’ in nature. It has also opened me to communication on levels that are amazing, as well as allowing non-linear and non-local moments to become more present.

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