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Easy Chakra Tune Up in 7 Easy Steps

We are living in an energetic Universe that is always on the move.

And, your Chakras carry the energetic blueprints for every area of your life within that energetic Universe. So if you want to live your life full of creative expression, loving relationships, optimum health, financial success and fulfilling work ~ all with passion and purpose, you’ll want to keep your Chakras open and humming in harmony.  Replace one TV show a day and tune up your entire Chakra system in seven easy steps.

Get Connected ~ Take ten minutes a day to connect through your Crown Chakra. Doing so will improve your connection to Unity Consciousness and your Higher Self. The results will be a clear vision of your true purpose in life and a deeper connection to who you truly are.  Feeling connected is priceless.

Be Inspired ~ Your imagination isn’t something you give up once you grow up, but a valuable asset to feel inspired in your life. Spend 5 minutes in your meditation and tap in through your Third Eye Chakra for inspiration and visualizing the life you want to consciously create. Or set aside a weekly appointment with just you and your imagination and see where it takes you. Your Third Eye Chakra is also the gateway Chakra to your innate Intuition.  Trust your Intuition and you won’t take a wrong turn.
Be Expressive ~ Getting the words out right can be a challenge. Whether in your relationships at home or at the office. Keeping your feelings and emotions pent up can cause energetic blocks at the Throat Chakra ~ which will only create bigger issues in your life. Solve this energetic challenge when you take fifteen minutes a day to write your thoughts and feelings in a journal. You will improve your clarity and focus while also move through your emotions for effective communicating.  Effortless expression spells happier relationships.
Follow Your Heart ~ Live your life from the heart with love, compassion and gratitude. Spend five minutes a day feeling grateful for everything and everyone in your life and you’ll see abundance of every kind increase in your life. Feelings are the energetic magnets of life, and when you feel gratitude through your Heart Chakra, the Universe has only one option to answer with more good stuff for you to feel grateful for. Follow your Heart for heart-centered living and watch your life overflow with improved health, increased wealth and abundance of every kind.  Feel the gratitude baby.
Be Masterful ~ Manifesting in your life requires an inspired idea, clearly expressed, some heart focused magnetism and then energized through your manifestation portal; the Solar Plexus Chakra. Become the creative master in your life when you take five minutes each day to send out an emotionally charged power ball to manifest what you want in your life.  Get it down with practice, trust your gut instincts and see your creative seeds begin to grow in your life.  Be the creative master of your life.
Be Yourself ~ Sex is a beautiful and natural part of life. Keeping your Sacral Chakra balanced and humming is critical. Spend just a few minutes a day clearing out the energetic debris from sexual tension, frustration or imbalance from an overloaded Sacral Chakra. Excessive sexual stimuli can tip this Chakra out of balance and create an unhealthy imbalance in the entire Chakra System.  Honor your sexual expression for a balanced body energetic alignment.
Grounded Passions ~ Grounding your body to Mother Earth through the Root Chakra is essential for feeling passionate and full of sustainable vitality in your life. Take ten minutes everyday to feel the Earth beneath your feet without anything in between. The electromagnetic energy from our planet directly harmonizes with our energetic blueprint through the Root Chakra. Sit under a tree, take a walk on the beach or simply plant your bare feet on the grass to reconnect and recharge yourself with the life-sustaining energy from Nature and Mother Earth.  Stay grounded.

Watch one less TV show a day and use these seven easy steps to tune up your Chakra system for a healthier & happier you!

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