William C. Treurniet and Paul Hamden, December, 2015
– an note from the curator… great article reprinted here.

Heterodyning Vibrational States

Summary. Beings in energetic realms often change a vibrational state for its own sake or as a means to accomplish certain tasks. In interviews with a Zeta, the extraterrestrial being confirmed that heterodyning used in human radio electronics can perform similar functions in the energetic realm. A being in a higher vibrational state can assist a lower-vibration being to raise its state of consciousness by using this process. Also, a local consciousness uses heterodyning to instruct the physical body how to heal itself. Further, heterodyning enables a consciousness to create in the energetic realm. In particular, it is a component of a Zeta technology for creating an energetic simulation of a physical environment. Heterodyning is revealed as a general purpose tool for processes operating in and across realms.

In “Instruments to control etheric energy” in Volume 1 of “A primer of the Zeta race“, a human technology was described that seemed to be similar to an energetic process used by the Zetas. The process of heterodyning is often part of electronic circuits that modulate a frequency or shift one frequency to another. The concept is also employed by the Zetas to control processes in the energetic environment. For example, it is an important part of the creation process. This chapter expands on how heterodyning is essential for managing operations in the physical and energetic realms. Its use in diverse processes suggests that the concept has general applicability.

1. The heterodyning process

The introduction to heterodyning in Volume 1 describes how a new frequency is created from two original frequencies. Two signals with frequencies f1 and f2 are inputs to a non-linear device called a mixer, and become two new signals with frequencies f1+f2 and f1-f2. These sum and difference frequencies are called heterodynes. The following trigonometric identity shows that the product of two sinusoidal signals on the left side are transformed by the mixer to the two terms on the right side containing the sum and difference frequencies.

sin(2πf1t) sin(2πf2t) = ½(cos[2π(f1-f2)t]) – ½(cos[2π(f1+f2)t])

The sum and difference frequencies are called the sum and difference heterodynes. If only the difference frequency is desired, the sum is removed with a low-pass filter. The result is a shift in frequency to the difference frequency. This is called superheterodyning and is often used in the tuner circuits of radio receivers.

The same process may be used to modulate a radio carrier wave with a lower-frequency baseband signal containing data to be transmitted (e.g., see here). The carrier wave is heterodyned with the baseband signal in the mixer and becomes modulated at the sum and difference frequencies.

2. Heterodyning in the energetic realm

The Zetas speak often of the conjoining and resonation of entities that have different states of consciousness. To conjoin means “that it is in resonation, so if two entities are to come together, two different frequencies, then the frequencies of the two entities must change so they can be conjoined and resonate together… one must reduce, the other must increase… until they are in harmony together.

The comment may merely mean that two frequencies resonate only after they have moved towards each other and are identical. However, there is no indication what would cause the frequencies to change. The comment has deeper significance in the context of the heterodyning process. Any two frequencies may heterodyne or “come together” to produce an output dependent on the two inputs. There is no requirement that the original frequencies become identical.

The increasing and reducing frequencies mentioned by the Zeta would refer to the sum and difference heterodyne frequencies, respectively. A state of resonation exists when both entities adopt the difference heterodyne frequency or state of consciousness. In this state, the entities “are in harmony together”.

A critical component of the heterodyning process is the non-linear device required to produce the sum and difference frequencies. The identity of this device can be inferred from the creation process (Volume 1, “Creation and consciousness”). The creator being modulates its “highest possible frequency”, the carrier signal, with the properties of the thing to be created, the baseband signal. This happens only when there is an appropriate intention. So, intention would be the non-linear device required for heterodyning in all energetic processes.

The Zeta was asked about the similarity of processes used in healing (Volume 2, “Health and healing”) and in the making of a synthetic quantum environment or SQE (Volume 1, “Synthetic quantum environments”). Both were said to involve a quantum process. Specifically, he was asked if the transfer of “the quanta information of the cellular structure of a human body” during healing was at all like the quantum entanglement process used in creating an SQE. He replied enigmatically, “That question will require much more background information because the comparison between quanta and entanglement and synthetic quantum environment has relationship but also is difference, not different, a difference.

The emphasis on “difference” is incomprehensible until the reference to the heterodyning process is recognized. The Zeta’s response hints that the difference heterodyne frequency is related to very dissimilar processes like healing and creating a synthetic quantum environment. These are among several applications of the heterodyning process explored with the Zeta in the following sections.

2.1 Raising a state of consciousness

In the following interview segment, a Zeta was asked to confirm that the heterodyning concept was more than an analogy, and that it accurately portrayed how a being could shift its vibrational state.

Interviewer: Humans have a technology that passes two input frequencies into a non-linear device. That is, the inputs are combined so that the output frequency is the difference between the two input frequencies.

Zeta: I understand.

Interviewer: Does some of your technology combine a low frequency of consciousness with a higher frequency of consciousness, to produce a frequency that is the difference between the two?

Zeta: No.

Although the Zeta immediately understood the concept of the heterodyning process, he denied that the race has a technology that processes states of consciousness in this way.

Interviewer: As a hypothetical example, suppose a human with a state of 8 cycle/sec, communed in love with another being who has a state of 32 cycles/sec. Does a difference frequency of 24 cycles/sec temporarily take the place of the human’s 8 cycle/sec frequency so that the human feels the love from the higher difference frequency?

Zeta: Yes it does, and then of course once the other being of the higher vibratory nature removes itself from the reality of the lower waveform, the lower waveform reinstates itself because its natural environment reimplements its normal state of frequency.

Interviewer: So the human would feel the love of the higher frequency?

Zeta: Yes, of course.

The Zeta agreed that the race does use the heterodyning process to shift states of consciousness. It is not implemented as a technology, but is performed directly by a being’s consciousness to raise its vibrational state. The process requires the cooperation of an entity that is at a much higher vibrational state.

The lower-vibration being begins with a loving appeal to the other entity while simultaneously presenting the lower vibrational state as one input to the heterodyning process. The emotion of love increases a being’s capacity to be in a higher state of consciousness. In response, the other entity offers its higher vibrational state as the other input. The resulting heterodyning difference frequency persists only as long as the higher-vibration entity intends to share it with the lower-vibration being.

Every being has a “highest possible frequency” and is normally unable to sense vibrational states that are higher than that limit. So each being has the equivalent of a low-pass filter which rejects the sum heterodyne frequency that is theoretically produced. The filter also prevents the lower-vibration being from sensing a higher difference frequency on its own. But the entity with the higher vibrational state has the ability to share a high difference frequency with the lower-vibration being. The shared resonation ceases when the higher-vibration entity departs, and the lower-vibration being returns to its former state.

In a later interview, the subject of heterodyning was raised again, and the Zeta offered more information about the process.

Interviewer: We recently discussed with you a process for obtaining a difference frequency in the energetic realms. When a low frequency entity intends to commune with the higher frequency of another cooperating entity, it moves to a frequency that is the difference between the two frequencies. You confirmed that this process works.

Zeta: But the higher frequencies, the higher consciousness, only donates a portion of their consciousness to exist in the lower form. The lower form increases its totality to then create the intermediary process. The higher form, the higher level of consciousness, only commits a small portion that is required, because the levels of consciousness that are held by different entities are of different levels of magnitude.

His reply indicates that the heterodyning process is not a burden for the higher-vibration being. The energy of the higher state of consciousness is always much greater than that of the lower state of consciousness, and the process takes only a small amount of energy from the higher-vibration being. We could take this comment as carte blanche to experience the higher states of consciousness that the heterodyning process offers.

Figure 1 shows a schematic of heterodyning a low vibrational state B with a higher vibrational state A. In the absence of the higher-vibration being’s intention, heterodyning does not occur and the low vibrational state does not change. But when the higher consciousness intends to share its higher state of consciousness, “the lower form increases its totality to then create the intermediary process”, the difference A-B.

Figure 1. Heterodyning vibrational states

2.2 Connecting with other races

The medium, Paul Hamden, discussed the process of connecting with a number of extraterrestrial races in Volume 1, “Applications of the heterodyne analogy”. Each race, including the human race, has a characteristic vibrational state. In order for beings from two races to communicate, their energies must be adjusted to a common vibrational state. As the Zeta said, “For connection purposes, … as there are many energies that are in existence, then for them to come to being to exist for connection purposes, there must be some point of interconnection in regards to the process of frequency and resonation of frequency.” The heterodyning process could form the required common frequency from the “many energies that are in existence.” One vibrational state from a being of each race could be selected as inputs to the heterodyning process, and the shared difference heterodyning frequency would be the connection frequency for communication.

The discussion in Volume 1 used frequencies in cycles/sec that were given by a Zeta as analogies for the vibrational states of their race in comparison to the state of the human race. According to the Zeta, “The base frequency for Zeta is 10 cycles at a level where an entity is not requiring a separated level of consciousness. But there are other levels of frequency, 16 would be where a being would be in separation from self for a short time, 32 cycles is required to be in a permanent cycle of separation. We have seen that humans are between 7 and 8 cycles, some lower, some higher, depending on the frequency a human holds.” The numerical values indicate relative differences in vibrational states, but will be taken as actual frequencies for the purpose of this discussion.

Heterodyning a Zeta frequency of 16 Hz with the human frequency of 8 Hz would yield a difference heterodyne of 8 Hz. Of course, this is the same as the human’s normal frequency and offers no advantage for connection with the Zeta. Does this mean that a 16 Hz Zeta being cannot connect with a human using the heterodyning process? It may be possible but only with the assistance of a being from the spirit realm.

In the chapter, “The realms of races” (Volume 2), a model of spirit realm frequencies was developed where the base frequency of the realm is 24 Hz. If a 24 Hz spirit realm being were heterodyned with the 8 Hz human being, the result would be a difference frequency of 16 Hz. The spirit being would resonate with the human at this frequency, and offer the same opportunity to a waiting 16 Hz Zeta being. The spirit being could then depart while the Zeta maintained the resonation with the human and continued the connection process.

This two-step procedure may be necessary for the Zeta to connect with a human if the Zeta does not have access to the higher 32 Hz vibrational state. There is reason to believe that this two-step process does occur when the medium opens up to connect with a Zeta. That is, he often connects first with a familiar spirit friend before moving on to connect with the Zeta.

The Zeta was asked if the medium’s frequency was heterodyned with the higher frequency of the spirit friend in order to experience a difference frequency close to, or the same as, a Zeta frequency. The Zeta responded, “No, there is a potential created that we move into. There is no capacity to create the consciousness of the race, but we require a space to move into.” He clarified that the heterodyning process does not create the Zeta frequency, but rather it creates a potential for the frequency to exist.

This is a subtle but important distinction concerning the heterodyning process in general. The process does not create the difference frequency, because frequency is a property of consciousness, and consciousness cannot be created. Rather, heterodyning creates the potential for a consciousness of that frequency to enter. So the spirit being and the medium create a space where they resonate at the difference frequency. This space is then at a potential compatible with the Zeta’s frequency, thus facilitating the connection. Perhaps it would be more accurate to say that the heterodyning process creates a difference potential rather than a difference frequency.

The medium uses variations in breathing to adjust the energy required for connection. Does he relinquish control of his breath work to the Zeta when he resonates with it at the difference frequency? The Zeta answered, “The breathing processes are often left with the local consciousness which understands its ability to increase or decrease the levels of energy required. But once a entity takes over, it then utilizes its capacity, inside the framework of consciousness that it now exists in, to permeate the current existence. Quite often, no breath work is required once there is the possession of that space.” Note that the Zeta implicitly agreed that resonation at the heterodyning difference frequency occurs as suggested.

A one-step connection procedure is also possible when the 8 Hz human being heterodynes with a 32 Hz Zeta being. In this case, the difference potential is at 24 Hz, which facilitates the resonation of both the human and Zeta states of consciousness at that frequency. A Zeta agreed that the human would feel the love resulting from the significantly higher 24 Hz difference frequency. The Zeta connects with the human while both are resonating at this frequency. It should also be possible to add the second step so that a 24 Hz spirit being moves to resonate with the 24 Hz difference potential to establish communication with the human as the Zeta departs.

So with the heterodyning process, a 24 Hz spirit being may assist a 16 Hz Zeta being to connect with a human. Also, a 32 Hz Zeta being could directly connect with a human, or assist a 24 Hz spirit in the spirit realm to connect instead. These insights are based on a simple model which may only approximate what is actually possible.

In any case, a human’s desire to connect is merely a prerequisite and is not enough to make it all happen. The Zeta and any spirit being involved must have the intention to resonate with a human who desires connection.

In retrospect, heterodyning also enabled the medium to communicate with an interdimensional race called the Blue Beings. A Blue Being described how they managed to connect with the medium in a discussion held several years before the relevance of the heterodyning concept was recognized. He said, “But for you to get to this point where we could share has taken a few years. … We entered into an agreement with other energies to allow a resonation which would bring you to a place of joining with us hopefully without a problem in the processes.”

Hamden (2010, p. 39) elaborated further on the process, “These blue beings described themselves as ‘bodiless’. Their energy was very loving and kind. Unfortunately, for us to gain access to them in circle, we had to ‘vibrationally stand on the shoulders’ of other beings. This turned out to be somewhat like a ladder process. We would need to assimilate into the group-energy various entities. As each one came and went, the next would arrive and speak, until finally we were able to speak to these ‘blue beings’.

The procedure for changing the medium’s energy so that he could connect with the Blue Beings appeared to involve several sequential applications of the heterodyning process. The choices of states to be paired would have been constrained by the start and end states and by the differencing operation that is part of the process.

2.3 Self-healing

In the chapter “Health and healing” (Volume 2), the Zeta described the relationship between the physical and etheric bodies, and the role of the local consciousness in maintaining the physical body. The form of the physical body is specified by a blueprint said to be a potential of the local consciousness. The blueprint is derived from a generic template for a body of the human race, modified according to the characteristics of the particular individual. The consciousness potential is transmuted to an etheric potential in the etheric body.

A healthy, uninjured physical body conforms to the consciousness potential or blueprint defining the body. The Zeta said, “The etheric body understands its potential. It seeks to continually keep the physical body to that potential.

The local consciousness recognizes when healing is required, and communicates the blueprint information to the physical body. When the body suffers an injury, “there is what is perceived to be a vortex under the surface of the etheric body which is connected to the injury.” The pattern of vortexes in the etheric body follows the pattern of the physical injury. The vortexes appear to be involved in communicating the consciousness potential of the blueprint to the physical body via the etheric potential. This information stimulates the healing process.

The Zeta was asked how etheric information is communicated to the physical cells of the body. He responded, “Underneath the energy is consciousness. It is the quanta information of the cellular structure of a human body. That consciousness indicates from beneath at the lowest levels, or the highest levels, of what is the action of the re-creation of the cellular process, and of course, all other potentials then exist. The energy then is actively working towards healing the physical cellular disruption.” The Zeta explains that the blueprint represents “quanta information of the cellular structure”, or information at the lowest level that points to what action should be taken to heal the physical cellular disruption.

As mentioned earlier, the Zeta hinted that the heterodyning process communicates the blueprint information to the physical body. This prompted the interviewer to propose the following scenario for the Zeta’s approval.

Interviewer: In the healing situation, the local consciousness potential is a higher frequency and the physical potential is a constant lower frequency. The local consciousness has the intention to combine its frequency with the physical frequency. The difference frequency is imposed temporarily on the physical potential. Since the difference frequency follows the frequency of the consciousness potential, it is able to guide the healing process.

Zeta: Yes, of course.

The Zeta’s response confirms that the heterodyning process can communicate information across realm boundaries. The etheric body exists in a non-physical realm, yet has a template that guides the structure of the physical body. This is done by influencing the state of a physical potential that guides the unfolding of physical processes. The consciousness potential and the physical potential produce a difference potential via the heterodyning process. The intent of the local consciousness provides the required non-linearity. The difference potential is temporarily applied to the physical potential which could be raised or lowered depending on the relative vibrational states of the input potentials.

In terms of Figure 1, the consciousness potential is the high vibrational state A, and the physical potential is the low vibrational state B. The latter changes to A-B when the local consciousness has the intention to heal.

2.4 Creating a synthetic quantum environment

In “Synthetic quantum environments” (Volume 1), a technology is discussed that was supposedly given to a human agency by a race of the extraterrestrial Grey species. The humans named it a “synthetic quantum environment” or SQE, and described it as “a fold in the time-space continuum in which the Grey extraterrestrials have established an ‘artificial holographic planetary domain’.

The Zeta confirmed, “There is a device that is used to create the unfolding of the special process and then once the cavity, I believe would be the word, is created, it is then populated with the correct molecular image that will then represent the environment that was to be used for exchange of energy and information”.

The SQE is a container that can be populated with any content copied from elsewhere, including the physical realm. It is a non-physical environment that the Zetas use to conduct non-destructive simulation experiments. It exists for “the purpose of experience” and “as a place of learning”. It is “an energetic existence that is separate to your own, something like a holographic existence.

As mentioned earlier, the Zeta hinted that the creation of an SQE also uses the heterodyning process. So the interviewer presented a proposal to a Zeta that explains how a physical environment might be copied to an SQE.

Interviewer: In the SQE creation situation, a constant high frequency input is provided by a Zeta being. The low frequency input is from the physical environment to be copied. The intention to produce the difference frequency is provided by the Zeta. The output of the process is the difference frequency. It follows the variations in the physical input frequency, since the Zeta frequency is constant. This difference frequency then becomes the input to the creation process that creates the SQE.

Zeta: The SQE is the potential, the lower frequency is the matrix of reality, the form that is to exist within the environment. The Zeta, as you say, create the potential for the other possible lower potential to create the form. The form performs a function. For us it is irrelevant whether the form is seen as high or low potential. What must be created is the form. An example is that the timeline of a human may be created. What offers the most stable potential for us to view that framework that has been created, will be offered to the technologies of the SQE. It is the form that takes priority.

The Zeta’s response appeared to acknowledge the validity of the proposed scenario and added further details. He emphasized that the SQE container is a technology separate from the forms created inside it. The Zetas have the intent to create the SQE, and provide a constant reference potential as one input to the heterodyning process. In Figure 1, this is the input labeled A. The second input, labeled B in the figure, is the variable potentials obtained from a “matrix of reality”, the environment to be simulated.

The level of the reference potential is not critical since the vibrational state of the created forms is irrelevant. The stability of the created forms appears to vary under different conditions, and the most stable result is determined empirically by viewing a created framework. The corresponding difference potential is presented to the SQE technology which creates the forms in the container.

In the discussion of SQEs in Volume 1, the Zeta said, “So depending on what you wish to create and preserve as an environment, would determine the level of quantum entanglement that is required by a being that is to synthesize the energetic entities.” The meaning of “level of quantum entanglement” was not understood then, but now an interpretation related to the heterodyning process is possible, and this was presented to the Zeta.

Interviewer: I suggest that the level of quantum entanglement relates to the level of consciousness provided by the Zeta being to the heterodyning process. This would determine at what difference frequency or level of consciousness the SQE is created. Is this understanding correct?

Zeta: The SQE always holds a form. It always exists within a framework of technology. What is input into it, determines what is created within it. It is not a fully act of consciousness, but a mixture of technology and consciousness. It is a framework that allows itself to be given input which then creates the internal form.

The Zeta responded that the SQE container is designed to always hold a form. The contents of the container will change when an input is provided, and the new contents are created by consciousness aided by technology. The vibrational state of the created forms is determined by the difference potential, labeled A-B in Figure 1. Of course, the average level of the difference potential is a function of the constant reference potential offered to the heterodyning process.

Can we now say what is meant by the “level of quantum entanglement”? The level likely refers to the reference potential that produces the most stable difference potential. The best performing level is contingent on “what you wish to create and preserve as an environment.” It may be data-dependent.

With respect to quantum entanglement, the SQE was described as “a mirror image process”, which is consistent with the human understanding of quantum entanglement as discussed in Volume 1. Perhaps the Zeta meant that the heterodyning difference potential is the mirror image at the quantum level of the original “matrix of reality”.

3. Discussion

The applications reveal that the heterodyning process is a general tool for making things happen in and across realms. It shifts and modulates physical carrier signals in radio systems, and it can also perform similar useful functions in the energetic realm.

As part of the process of creation in the energetic realm, heterodyning modulates the creator being’s “highest possible frequency” with information about the thing to be created. Also, heterodyning can help raise a being’s state of consciousness. A procedure for doing so is suggested at the end of the chapter, “Zeta technology”, in Volume 1. We are free to use this process, since it does not burden the higher-vibration being that is involved.

Heterodyning can also transfer information between the physical and energetic realms. For example, when the body self-heals, its blueprint information is communicated from the energetic realm to the physical realm. As another example, information in a physical “matrix of reality” is communicated to the energetic realm when forms are created in a synthetic quantum environment. So the heterodyning process can transfer information in both directions across the apparent boundaries separating physical and energetic realms.

4. Bibliography

Treurniet, W. C. and P. Hamden. A primer of the Zeta race, Volume 1, Copyright Hamden & Treurniet, 2015a.

Hamden, P. Alien interaction: Next generation, Copyright Paul Hamden, 2010.

Hamden, P. and W. C. Treurniet. A primer of the Zeta race, Volume 2, Copyright Hamden & Treurniet, 2015b.

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