War in Ukraine



A quick word on Conspiracies: (Thanks to threeworldwars.com)

There are three ways of exposing a Conspiracy:

1. One is for any of the participants in the conspiracy to break with it and to expose his or her involvement. This takes an extremely courageous individual, and that type of exposure is indeed rare.
2. The second group of exposers are those who have unknowingly participated in a conspiratorial planning of an event but who didn’t realize it until later. These individuals, and there aren’t many in the history of the world, have also exposed the inner workings of the conspiracy at great peril to themselves.
3. The third method of exposing a conspiracy is for researchers to uncover conspiratorial designs in the events of the past.  If you’re interested in this field of study I’m sure you’ve come across many such sources who expose conspiracies.

 The Hidden Agenda of the Galactic Federation Show
Greg Giles

Due to budget concerns, many projects on the table at the U.S. Department of Defense and the U.S. intelligence agencies never see implementation. When a project promises multiple returns, meaning when a project can yield results in several different areas and accomplish several different agendas, then this project gains strong support and is green lighted, meaning it is launched.

The government program that utilizes the synthetic telepathy or ‘channeled message’ technology is multifaceted, seeking returns on several different fronts. This fact acts as confusion to those who dedicate hours of serious and disciplined research. There is not one catalyst for this program, there are several, and let us begin with a major catalyst for part one of our discussion.

In the 1960’s and 70’s, after peace protesters successfully made a substantial impact on the popularity and public support for continued war in Vietnam, the military industrial complex vowed that their next big war would be fought with impunity, without interference, without peace protesters taking to the streets and hampering their campaign of war. That time has come.

How many of you fully understand there is fighting already underway involving the U.S. military, Russian military, U.N. troops, and troops from many different nations? In the past, a war of this magnitude involving so many different military from so many different nations would surely be referred to as a World War, but as war continues throughout Europe and the Middle East, in countries that act as protective border to Russia, it is hard to deny war of global proportions may be imminent. U.S. and Russian military involvement may surely escalate to all out war, a World War, World War 3. This next world war has been in the planning since the end of World War 2, this according to a large number of now retired military officers and intelligence agents, as well as political scientists, historians and researchers, though I wish to be clear, nothing is ever as it seems, and today, as it has always been, its very difficult to differentiate between theater and reality.  

So where are all the protesters? Where is any public opposition to this war being presented? Nowhere. You do see however, an onslaught of pro-war propaganda aired throughout television news reports, publications,  books, movies, television shows, events, rallies,and a military themed tie-in to almost every sporting event aired on television. We all know who is behind that campaign. But not a word from the modern peace protester. What happened?

After the events of the Vietnam war, plans were developed to silence those who the U.S. Department of Defense and intelligence agencies refer to as ‘modern day peace loving hippies’, those who not only oppose war, but may take to the streets in organized protest, to speak out and march in support of peace.

We are those who the government agencies refer to as the modern day, peace-loving hippies, only our name has changed, and although many of us detest the term, we are known by our own government’s agencies as new- agers, the new age of the peace- loving, hippie protester. So just for us, a plan was developed to distract us, to keep us occupied with other matters, keep us confused and in the dark, to divide us, and to harass us and to threaten us in order to silence us. A spectacular theater production was conceived, one that was sure to include a little bit of everything for all tastes and interests, to lure in sufficient numbers of new agers, rendering any attempts to assemble protesters futile. Each of us was baited to the wonder, excitement and lure of deeper connection to our star families and our spirit brethren, subject matter our government agencies understood full well occupied much of our waking thoughts. This is where the occupy movement may have gotten its name, and I repeat, may have. Its possible its just another inside joke inserted into our vernacular. Think about it; when in our long world history has any kind of protest or march been referred to as an occupy movement? Is this yet another example of the arrogance of the hoaxers? We are the ones preoccupied, preoccupied with astonishing tales of ETs and ascended masters, the return of Christ, evil reptilians, archons, and on and on goes the script, the great Hollywood production, certainly deserved of an academy award, and we are all lining up for a ticket to the show. This plan has worked marvelously, even beyond our government’s expectations.

A Caress of Key
The Greatest Fear of Those in Power

The greatest and most powerful tool ever developed to initiate and accomplish real change in our world is the internet. Right at our fingertips, with just a caress of key, we can change our world, free ourselves, and stop this madness of world conquest and domination. But how are we spending our time on the internet? What are all the new-agers talking about, fighting about, writing about, researching and sharing? Fanciful tales of science-fiction popcorn fodder. Ascended and benevolent extraterrestrial fleets here to save us, to make all the changes for us, to make arrests, to improve government, to heal us, to protect us, to help us evolve, to help us ascend, to take us home, even, according to one channel of the Galactic Federation, to offer us insider financial tips.

I am not saying that I feel we are alone in the universe, and I am not implying that our real spirit guides are not looking over us as we continue our earthly education, as I still and always will believe this. I am also not on a new mission to persuade anyone to stop following the myriad of purported ‘channeled’ material, as I see this as a futile goal. My goal at this time is to leave behind my experiences with these government and civilian impostors and tormentors. You are certainly free to make up your own mind and choose which path you wish to travel. No matter which direction you choose, you will learn the lessons lining that road. There is no ‘wrong’ direction, as all roads lead to higher learning. I simply make available to you and others to come an alternative view, information to consider, information I see as helpful to others that may stray into this arena. Perhaps one day, maybe far from today, my words will take on an air of believably. For today, I see great virtue in keeping an open mind.  

I say to you, that we, all of us, have been purposely distracted to keep us, the only citizens that would care enough, from speaking up in protest to very real and essential matters in our world, of which there are many, not just a global war of which the U.S. is and will continue to be a major part of. I am also not attempting to lead people out into the streets in protest of global war, as I believe this war has gained far too much support from the overwhelming majority of U.S. citizens and I have absolutely no faith in them changing their perspective any time soon. I only have faith in you, the new age, peace loving, new-age, tree hugging hippies, my brothers and sisters.
End of Part 1

Greg Giles

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