Happy Winter Solstice 2015

The year is winding down and we’ve had some major events that have rocked the world. In the US, we’re in the throes of campaignitis, where everyone gets a little crazy for a short time. I’m reminded of an old Latin saying, “Vocatus Atque Non-Vocatus, Deus Aderit.” What that means is, “Invoked or not invoked, the gods are watching.”

Since we have often confused our space brothers and sisters for gods and goddesses, perhaps it is time we took another look at why and proceed with an altered state of consciousness, one that engages a larger thoughtmosphere. We’ve been told ‘the conduit is closing’ over a decade ago, by the ‘watchers’ from afar who are able to manipulate live material without harm. Actions far outweigh words… true?

If we were a race, or a combination of races, that have evolved to understand universal laws which eventually enabled us to travel outside our solar system with ease, how would we treat others that hadn’t reached our understanding yet? Knowing the process can only be ‘nudged’ and not manipulated, we might choose to engage at more subtle levels of consciousness and in the places where only those who were looking would find us.

Some interesting history about the Archons that may be helpful to understand yet another aspect of engagement comes from ancient texts followed by the Gnostics and was featured recently onUfologyPress.com. It certain will open your eyes to a contrary, perhaps, notion of who and what they are. Suffice it to say we have potentially grossly misunderstood their mission and purpose with humanity.

Much of what has been shared with seekers of synaptic solace from our star families appears to focus on simple observation of the things that are going on around us. Star family representatives, whether we call them the Galactic Federation or Celestial Siblings, share these mathematically precise patterns with us on the internal view screen from time to time. Maybe you’ve notice the hexagonal patterns and more.

Cycles, Patterns and Rhythms in a cosmic sense are extremely slow compared to our human perception that tends to expect a speedy delivery of information today. A different kind of CPR relies on the shift of ages and our conscious alignment with the process at a heart level. The awareness of the congruence of science and spirituality, for instance, is filtered back through our personal and professional lives as we find greater balance and harmony in sharing the details.

Amidst the cohorts of chaos are soul soothers, aware that our planet and people are the most important assets to our future. Our star families have made it clear we have to create the urge to merge in efforts to honor each other, care for one another and develop sustainable living habits. The subtle impressions we get and the soft-spoken soothsayers need our attention and sensibility. We’ve got plenty of time to change the tide, lunar effects and the divine feminine are child-centered and nurture the universal child within all of us.

Happy Holidays and blessings for a gracious new year, 2016, a 9 year… completion of our old patterns so the new living awareness may prevail…. Peace on Earth and Good Will toward Humanity from each of us now.


The post UFOlidays… Greetings and Good Will appeared first on UFOlogy PRSS Blog.